A fully functional graph editor built using networkVizJS
Force directed graphs can be a mighty headache especially when trying to dynamically update nodes.
This project aims to abstract away much of the process of drawing a graph leaving you to focus on the things that matter.
- Dragging.
- Panning and zooming.
- Avoid overlapping nodes.
- Easy interface for adding / removing nodes.
- Routing the edge lines around nodes.
- Very stable using Webcola as the layout.
- Easy handlers that allow you to finely tune the experience for the user.
- Various layouts supported out of the box:
- Flow layout for force directed graph (horizontally and vertically)
- Jaccard layout (where denser node regions spread out)
- Regular layout allowing a fixed or dynamic edge length.
- An intuitive API which lets you do what you want.
Adding a node is as easy as
graph.addNode(<your node object>)
npm install --save networkvizjs
Import the module:
// ES6
import networkVizJS from "networkVizJS";
// commonjs
var networkVizJS = require('networkVizJS').default;
Given we have an div with id graph1
, we can initiate
a graph in that div using:
const graph = networkVizJS('graph1', options?);
Node must have at least these two properties:
Optionally you can define x
and y
const node = {
id: "uniqueString", // id must be unique
hash: "uniqueString", // see notes below
shortname: "New Node",
class: "",
fixed: true,
// optional properties
nodeShape: "rect",
color: '#aadcdc',
img: false,
fixedWidth: false,
takes a node object or a list of nodes.
They'll be immediately drawn to the svg canvas!
just takes a node hash.
It deletes the node and all edges that include that node.
To define an edge you use a triplet with the shape:
var someEdge = {
subject: { /* Node to start at */ }
predicate: { type: "someType", hash: 'uniqueString' } // Type allows different coloured edges. Hash must be unique
object: { /* Node to finish at */ }
You're pretty much good to go! Below is the rest of the API.
The full node object is defined below
Note: id and hash are the same, hash is depreceated but still needs to be defined for the time being
interface Node {
// the following options are required as a minimum definition
id: Id; // unique id string.
hash: Id; // deprecated - still required for compatability
shortname: string; // text to display
class: string; // CSS class to be applied to node element
fixed: boolean | number // node has fixed position or will auto layout
// internally is a bitstring in the form of a number but can be used as a simple boolean
// the following will revert to the default specified in layoutOptions
// valid values are determined by the function defined in layoutOptions
nodeShape: string; // string description of node path
color: string; // node color - use hex color code string
// optional properties
img?: any; // image data inside node
fixedWidth?: number | boolean; // Set to number to manually set node width or false
// properties set internally
constraint?: Constraint[]; // list of constraints applying to this node
parent?: Group; // Group node is contained in
width?: number; // specify a width and height of the node's bounding box if you turn on avoidOverlaps
height?: number; // specify a width and height of the node's bounding box if you turn on avoidOverlaps
index?: number, // index in nodes array, this is initialized by Layout.start()
bounds: Rectangle; // Rectangle of node bounds
innerBounds: Rectangle; // Rectangle of node bounds
// positioning is set internally but may be overwritten
px: number;
py: number;
All properties available on the group object are shown below.
Leaves should be entered as an array of node indices to avoid weird bugs webcola will convert the index to the node object internally.
interface Group {
id: Id; // unique ID string
data: GroupData; // Group data see below
parent?: Group; // Parent group
groups?: Group[]; // Groups nested in group
leaves?: Node[]; // Nodes contained in group
bounds?: Rectangle; // Rectangle of group bounds
padding: any; // number or rectangle of group padding
interface GroupData {
color?: string; // group colour
class?: string; // CSS class to be applied to HTML element
text?: string; // group text label
level?: number; // Group nesting level - set internally
These options are all optional. Just pass in the ones you want. This controls default settings of colours/sizes etc... as well as behaviour to be performed on user interaction events eg. clickOnNode
interface LayoutOptions {
databaseName: string; // Force the database name
layoutType: "linkDistance" | "flowLayout" | "jaccardLinkLengths";
jaccardModifier: number; // Modifier for jaccardLinkLengths, number between 0 and 1
avoidOverlaps: boolean; // True: No overlaps, False: Overlaps
handleDisconnected: boolean; // False by default, clumps disconnected nodes
flowDirection: "x" | "y";
enableEdgeRouting: boolean; // Edges route around nodes
nodeShape: string; // default node shape text description
nodePath: string | { (nodeObject?: Node): string }; // function returns node path from shape descriptor
width: number; // SVG width
height: number; // SVG height
pad: number; // Padding outside of nodes
margin: number; // Margin inside of nodes
groupPad: number; // padding around group
canDrag(): boolean; // True: You can drag nodes, False: You can't
nodeDragStart(d: Node, element: any): void; // This callback is called when a drag event starts on a node.
nodeDragEnd(d: Node, element: any): void; // Called when drag event ends
edgeLabelText: string | { (d?: EdgeData, i?: number): string };
// Mouse event handlers
clickAway(): void;
// Nodes
mouseDownNode(nodeObject?: Node, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
mouseOverNode(nodeObject?: Node, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
mouseOutNode(nodeObject?: Node, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
mouseUpNode(nodeObject?: Node, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
clickNode(nodeObject?: Node, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
dblclickNode(nodeObject?: Node, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
// Groups
mouseOverGroup(groupObject?: Group, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
mouseOutGroup(groupObject?: Group, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
clickGroup(groupObject?: Group, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
dblclickGroup(groupObject?: Group, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
// Edges
mouseOverEdge(edgeObject?: Edge, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
mouseOutEdge(edgeObject?: Edge, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
clickEdge(edgeObject?: Edge, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
dblclickEdge(edgeObject?: Edge, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void;
// These are "live options"
nodeToPin: boolean | { (d?: Node, i?: number): boolean };
nodeToColor: string | { (d?: Node, i?: number): string }; // Return a valid hexadecimal colour.
nodeToText: string | { (d?: Node, i?: number): string }; // Return text used to display in node.
nodeStrokeWidth: number | { (d?: Node, i?: number): number };
nodeStrokeColor: string | { (d?: Node, i?: number): string };
edgeColor: string | { (d?: EdgeData, i?: number): string };
edgeArrowhead: number | { (d?: EdgeData, i?: number): number }; // edgeArrowhead: 0 - None, 1 - Right, -1 - Left, 2 - Bidirectional
edgeStroke: number | { (d?: EdgeData, i?: number): number };
edgeStrokePad: number | { (d?: EdgeData, i?: number): number }; // size of clickable area behind edge
edgeDasharray: number | { (d?: EdgeData): number };
edgeLength: number | { (d?: Edge, i?: number): number };
edgeSmoothness: number; // amount of smoothing applied to vertices in edges
groupFillColor: string | { (g?: Group): string };
snapToAlignment: boolean; // Enable snap to alignment whilst dragging
snapThreshold: number; // Snap to alignment threshold
palette: string[]; // colour palette selection
zoomScale(scale: number): void; // Triggered when zooming
isSelect(): boolean; // is tool in selection mode
nodeSizeChange(): void; // Triggers when node dimensions update
selection(): any; // Returns current selection from select tool
imgResize(bool: boolean): void; // Toggle when resizing image
edgeRemove(edgeObject?: any, d3Selection?: Selection, event?: MouseEvent): void; // TODO -ya defunct?
These are the API options available on each instance of a graph
hasNode(id: Id): boolean
Check if node is drawn. Returns boolean value on existence of node in graph.
getDB(): any
Public access to the levelgraph db.Returns the levelgraph db object.
See https://github.com/levelgraph/levelgraph for documentation
getNode(id?: Id): Node | Node[]
Returns node object matching id. Leave id blank for all nodes.
getGroup(id?: Id): Group | Group[]
Returns group object matching id. Leave id blank for all groups.
getByCoords(boundary: { x: number; X: number; y: number; Y: number }): { nodes: Node[]; edges: Edge[]; groups: Group[] }
Get nodes, edges, and group objects within defined co-ordinate boundary. Nodes and groups are defined to be inside if any overlap occurs between their bounds and target boundary. Edges are defined to be inside boundary if at least the middle 2/3rds of the line is within the bounds.
getPredicate(id?: Id): Edge | Edge[]
Get edge predicate from predicateMap. Leave id blank for all edges.
getLayoutOptions(): LayoutOptions
Returns layout options object.
getSVGElement(): d3Selection<SVGElement, Node, HTMLElement, any>
Get d3 selection of the mainSVG element.
If you want the HTML node use: graph.getSVGElement().node();
saveGraph(): Promise<string>
Get stringified representation of the graph. Returns a promise containing the serialised graph.
addTriplet(tripletObject: Edge, preventLayout?: boolean): Promise<void>
Add an edge to graph. Adds the node if it's not already present otherwise it just adds the edge.
Set preventLayout flag to true to prevent layout restart from occurring automatically on completion Returns promise that resolves on completion.
removeTriplet(tripletObject: Edge, preventLayout?: boolean): Promise<void>
Remove an edge from graph. Silently fails if edge doesn't exist.
Set preventLayout flag to true to prevent layout restart from occurring automatically on completion Returns promise that resolves on completion.
updateTriplet(tripletObject: Edge): void
DEPRECATED. Use editEdge method instead.
Update edge data in the triplet database. Fails silently if doesn't exist.
removeNode(nodeHash: Id): void
Remove a node and all edges connected to it.
addNode(nodeObjectOrArray: Node | Node[], preventLayout?: boolean): Promise<void>
Add a node or array of nodes to graph.
Set preventLayout flag to true to prevent layout restart from occurring automatically on completion Returns promise that resolves on completion.
editNode(action: { property: string; id: Id | Id[]; value: any | any[] }): void
Public function to mutate node objects.
Can mutate single nodes or multiple nodes at once. Can mutate multiple nodes to have 1 value, or multiple nodes to each have their own value
for multiple values, value array length==id Array length, first value will be mapped to first id in array etc...
editEdge(action: { property: string; id: Id | Id[]; value: any | any[] }): void
Public function to mutate edge objects.
can mutate single edges or multiple edges at once. can mutate multiple edges to have 1 value, or multiple edges to each have their own value.
for multiple values, value array length==id array length, first value will be mapped to first id in array etc...
addToGroup(group: Group | Id, children: { nodes?: Id[]; groups?: Id[] }, preventLayout?: boolean): void
Add nodes or groups to group.
Set preventLayout flag to true to prevent layout restart from occurring automatically on completion Returns promise that resolves on completion.
unGroup(children: { nodes?: Id[]; groups?: Id[] } | [{ nodes?: Id[]; groups?: Id[] }], preventLayout?: boolean): void
Remove nodes or groups from group
Set preventLayout flag to true to prevent layout restart from occurring automatically on completion Returns promise that resolves on completion.
constrain(consData: InputAlignConstraint | AlignConstraint, targets: { id: Id; offset: number }[])
constrain(consData: InputSeparationConstraint, targets: [Id, Id])
Create new constraint or add nodes to an existing alignment constraint. Constraints between a pair of nodes e.g. separation constraint cannot be modified, only deleted and created.
see: https://github.com/tgdwyer/WebCola/wiki/Constraints for constraint documentation.
requires restarting simulation after completion.
unconstrain(nodeId: Id | Id[], constraint?: Constraint): void;
remove nodes from an existing alignment constraint; remove all nodes to remove constraint
requires restarting simulation after completion.
groupTextPreview(show: boolean, groupId: Id | Id[], text?: string): void
Show or hide group text popup by creating temporary pop up at top of node for text Can be removed by passing show as false, or by restarting
// Restart styles or layout.
restart: {
// Redraw without changing layout
styles(): Promise<void>;
// Aligns text to centre of node
textAlign(): Promise<void>;
// Redraw the edges
redrawEdges(): Promise<void>;
// restart simulation and redraw layout
layout(callback: () => void, preventLayout?: boolean): Promise<void>;
// Handle disconnected graph components
handleDisconnects(): void;
// Aligns group text
repositionGroupText(): void;
// Refresh highlighted elements
highlight(): void;
canvasOptions: {
setWidth(width: number): void;
setHeight(height: number): void;
// Set event handlers for node.
nodeOptions: {
// Handler for clicking on the edge.
edgeOptions: {
groupOptions: {
// Change layouts on the fly.
// May be a webcola memory leak if you change the layout too many times.
colaOptions: {
flowLayout: {
down(callback: () => void): void;
right(callback: () => void): void;
- Batch node and edge updates without layout refreshing
- Stabilise API (need help / guidance)
- Add svg tests (need help / guidance)
- Document full api