Generates an HTML report containing information of the SSH servers on your network.
Information includes:
- Host/port/version of SSH servers
- Key Exchange Algorithms
- Host Key Algorithms
- Encryption Algorithms
- MAC Algorithms
- Compression Algorithms
The data is organized in 2 ways:
- A hosts section, with a tabular view of algorithms per host
- A alogirthms section, with a list view of hosts per algorithm
Having these multiple views allows you to quickly locate the information you want. Internal hyperlinks are used extensively to allow jumping between hosts and specific algorithms.
Scan and generate report. Requires nmap installed and available in PATH.
Usage: sshscan scan [OPTIONS] <CIDR> [PORT] [AGGRESSIVE]
<CIDR> Range to scan in CIDR format X.X.X.X/X
[PORT] Port to scan (default: 22)
[AGGRESSIVE] Agressive mode (-T5) (default: true) [possible values: true, false]
-o, --output <OUTPUT_FILE> Output file to write
-i, --include-down <INCLUDE_DOWN> Include hosts that are down (default: false) [possible values: true, false]
-h, --help Print help
Generate a report based on existing scan data
Usage: sshscan generate [OPTIONS] <INPUT_FILE>
<INPUT_FILE> Input XML file to read from
-o, --output <OUTPUT_FILE> Output file to write
-i, --include-down <INCLUDE_DOWN> Include hosts that are down (default: false) [possible values: true, false]
-h, --help Print help
nmap -T5 -p22 --script ssh2-enum-algos -oX output.xml
sshscan generate output.xml -o output.html
sshscan scan -o output.html