This is a Steam strategy for remix-auth library.
Runtime | Has Support |
Node.js | ✅ |
Cloudflare | Not tested |
Please, use
npm i remix-auth-steam
yarn add remix-auth-steam
To properly use the library, you need to maintain these additional files in your app
import { Authenticator } from "remix-auth";
import { sessionStorage } from "~/services/session.server";
import { SteamStrategy, SteamStrategyVerifyParams } from "remix-auth-steam";
export type User = SteamStrategyVerifyParams;
export let authenticator = new Authenticator<User>(sessionStorage);
new SteamStrategy(
returnURL: "http://localhost:3000/auth/steam/callback",
apiKey: "YOUR_STEAM_API_KEY", // you can get it here:
async (user) => user // perform additional checks for user here, I just leave this to SteamStrategyVerifyParams value
import { createCookieSessionStorage } from "remix";
const calculateExpirationDate = (days: number) => {
const expDate = new Date()
expDate.setDate(expDate.getDate() + days)
return expDate
// export the whole sessionStorage object
export let sessionStorage = createCookieSessionStorage({
cookie: {
name: "_session", // use any name you want here
sameSite: "lax", // this helps with CSRF
path: "/", // remember to add this so the cookie will work in all routes
httpOnly: true, // for security reasons, make this cookie http only
secrets: ["s3cr3t"], // replace this with an actual secret
secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production", // enable this in prod only
expires: calculateExpirationDate(7) // expire cookie after 7 days
// you can also export the methods individually for your own usage
export let { getSession, commitSession, destroySession } = sessionStorage;
import { LoaderFunction } from "remix";
import { authenticator } from "~/services/auth.server";
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
await authenticator.authenticate('steam', request, {});
import { LoaderFunction } from 'remix'
import { authenticator } from '~/services/auth.server'
export let loader: LoaderFunction = ({ request }) => {
return authenticator.authenticate('steam', request, {
successRedirect: '/',
failureRedirect: '/login',
After that, navigate to localhost:3000/auth/steam
to check if it works. Here is an example of checking if user is authenticated:
import { LoaderFunction, useLoaderData } from "remix";
import { authenticator, User } from "~/services/auth.server";
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
const user = await authenticator.isAuthenticated(request)
return user
export default function Index() {
const user: User | null = useLoaderData()
return (
<div style={{ fontFamily: "system-ui, sans-serif", lineHeight: "1.4" }}>
{user ? <h1>User name: {user!.nickname}</h1> : <h1>Not authenticated</h1>}
If you are logged in, you should see your username from Steam API, otherwise you will see Not authenticated
Your contributions are highly appreciated! Please, submit any pull requests or issues you found!