Submitted by:
- Kenneth Ramos
- Tasneem Iqbal
- Tedman Nguyen
Time spent: 90 hours spent in total
This document provides a summary of our project building process for our app, Carbonator
Did you know the average American drives about 14,263* miles per year? This app helps users learn more about the quantity of carbon emissions from certain cars. The first page shows a view with the top 10 selling cars in the United States, if these cars were driven 15,000 miles annually. The second page allows users to calculate how much CO2e the user would emit if they were to personally drive one of those cars, by inputting how many miles they travel annually.
The following REQUIRED features are completed:
- Assign features to each member of your group
- Establish a goal time for completing each feature
The following REQUIRED files are included:
Updated 📄
, which contains:- App Overview (Milestone 1)
- App Spec (Milestone 1)
- Checked off 2+ completed features
- 2+ GIFs of build progress
Our 🎥 Demo Video
- We have also added the Demo Video Link to the Group Info Form on the course portal.
Here's a video that demos all of the app's implemented features:
Gif created with your chosen video tool
Here's a gif that demos all of the app's implemented features:
Gif created with Kap
Submitted by:
- Kenneth Ramos
- Tasneem Iqbal
- Tedman Nguyen
Time spent: 10 hours spent in total
This document provides an overview, project spec, and wireframes for our team's capstone project:
Carbonator is an app that allows anyone to look up a region and see the impact of activities within that region on the environment. Allows users to also calculate their own carbon footprint and see how they’re impacting the environment and climate. App can make suggestions about how users can lessen their carbon footprint and users can use the app later to see if how they’re changes have affected their carbon footprint calculation
If we had to describe this milestone in three (3) emojis, they would be:
The following REQUIRED features are completed:
- Creation of GitHub Organization and Group Project Repo
- Updated Course Portal group info with Group Name and App Description
The following REQUIRED files are included:
- Included 📄
, which contains:- Our initial brainstorming ideas (6+ ideas)
- 5-category evaluation of our top 3 ideas
- Final app idea chosen
- Included 📄
, which contains:- App Overview: Description and evaluation
- App Spec: User features, Chosen API(s), User Interactions
- Wireframe image(s)
The following BONUS features are implemented:
- Added digital wireframe/mockup image(s)
- Added a GIF of an interactive prototype
The following EXTRA features are implemented:
- List anything else that you added to improve your submission!
Here's a place for any other notes on this milestone!