2018-05-01 - I've created the new version of the Travel Reference data and converted to JSON. The library no longer parses the data or expose the public functions. I don't have time to fix the code (I suspect node doesn't use the same version of Javascript it used to 4 years ago). Raise an issue if you want to be the maintainer of this repo and I'll make you a contributor.
A route planner for Lord of the Rings Online.
If you need an in-game plugin might I suggest Vinny's excellent TravelRef.
Both web and command lines can now restrict limited routes based on your level, faction standing or quest completion!
The quickest way to try the lib is to use the demo website: booyaa.github.io/FromAtoBree
Travel time and route cost look broken on the webpage, so please don't use it for financial or temporal decision making. Always consult a professional.
npm install -g fromatobree
bin/index.js # i think the installer might actually call the bin/fatb, i have no idea! lol
From A to Bree v2.1.3
index.js <start> <finish> - plan route
index.js lookup <place> - lookup place
index.js listregions - lists regions
index.js listplaces <region> - list places for a given region
index.js listreqs <term> - list codes for factions or quests
to impose restrictions, create a config file called .fromatobree.json in your
home directory. The format is:
"weighting": true,
"level": 40,
"standing": [
weighting - use weighted route, this means some destinations will become
unavailable because you lack the requirements.
level - your current level in the game.
standing - any faction reputation or quests you may have completed. use
the 'listreqs' command to see a list of codes
You'll need Lua 5.3 or better to extract the data from the LoTRO plugin.
- Download the latest version of Vinny's Travel reference.
- change to
directory of the repo. - Extract
and save toutils
directory of this repo. - Save
tables inTR_Data.lua
- Run the script using the following:
lua Stables.lua > ../lib/stable_raw.js
- Probably a good idea to fork/clone/thing the rep.
- Install the development deps
- It's quite REPL friendly
> var FATB = require('fromatobree');
> var fatb = new FATB(); // will not use route weighting i.e. no restrictions
> fatb.FindPath('Hobbiton','Suri-kyla');
[ 'Hobbiton',
'West Bree',
'Suri-kyla' ]
Please file them as an issue through the github repo. This is also where the roadmap lives.
Vinny (TravelRef Plugin author) who kindly gave me permission to use his stable data. The valuable data has help speed up the development of this app.
qiao for his web client build script in his awesome PathFinding.js lib.