The extension provides dummy text that is a fun replacement to Lorem ipsum. Instead of Lorem ipsum, it provides Rajini's lines from various movies transliterated using latin (English) characters.
In the current version, this inserts the required number of lines wherever the cursor is currently placed.
This requires vscode 1.58.0 and above
The extension provides two commands.
command:- This command is for checking if the extension has been installed properly. On running this, you should see a VS Code notification with the text 'Thalaiva!'
command:- This command inserts the required number of lines after a prompt.
It could potentially slow down your VSCode instance for extremely large numbers(>1, 00, 000). For raising issues go to the project's github page
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.
Initial release of Rajini lipsum You can insert a number of Rajini's iconic punch lines from various movies in your text.
Add default keybindings for Rajini lipsum. To get lines added to your editor, press ctrl+r
( cmd+r
) followed by ctrl+l
( cmd+l
). The complicated keybinding is chosen in the hope that it won't interfere with your existing keybindings. 0.0.2 and 0.0.3 only contained minor changes with the code.