The aim of this project is to develop a Hotel Management System that can manage all the activities related to a hotel such as room management, restaurant management, employee management, customer management, and billing. The system should be able to provide an easy-to-use interface to the hotel administrators for managing the hotel operations efficiently and for customers to utilize hotel services conveniently. The administrators will be able to see details of employees and rooms in the hotel, add a room in rooms of hotel, and add a dish to the restaurant menu, whereas customers will be able to book a room using this system, cancel their reservation, and order dishes and pay the bill for it.
We have used various OOP concepts like inheritance, in which we inherit drive classes from base classes and provide reusability of functions , polymorphism, overloading, using friend classes to access private data members of class in another class, using composition to link different classes with one another, and error handling to handle any expected error. The system has been designed to be user-friendly and efficient.