A web scraper tool which uses BeautifulSoup
To run this project, install these python library and toolkit:
$ pip install BeautifulSoup4
$ pip install lxml
- open your browser and goto IMDB's website and search movies by genre
- at page 1 setup view mode = Detailed and copy the url
- then open your code editor and inside main function setup the url object from page 1
- url must be string and must end with '&start='
- after that setup number_of_movies object within same function with the number of movies information you want to extract
- then run the code and you will get desired number of movies information starting from page 1
- NOTE1 : you must start from first movie indexed '1.' on IMDB's website
- NOTE2 : if at page 1 url doesn't end with '&start=' then goto next page and come back to previous page i.e. page 1 and you will get required url