Simple, powerful and easy to use OOP wrapper for the LibEvent PHP bindings.
Main features:
- Convenient, fully documented and tested in production API;
- Timers and intervals system (look at
); - Special base reinitializing for forks (look at
); - Error handling with exceptions;
- Automatic resources cleanup;
- PHP 5.2.0 (or later);
- libevent;
The recommended way to install AzaLibEvent is through composer. You can see package information on Packagist.
"require": {
"aza/libevent": "~1.0"
* Callback function to be called when the matching event occurs
* @param resource $fd File descriptor
* @param int $events What kind of events occurred. See EV_* constants
* @param array $args Event arguments - array(Event $e, mixed $arg)
function print_line($fd, $events, $args)
static $max_requests = 0;
* @var $e Event
* @var $base EventBase
list($e, $base) = $args;
// exit loop after 10 writes
if ($max_requests == 10) {
// print the line
echo fgets($fd);
// Create base
$base = new EventBase;
// Setup and enable event
$ev = new Event();
$ev->set(STDIN, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, 'print_line', $base)
// Start event loop
* Callback to invoke where there is data to read
* @param resource $buf File descriptor
* @param array $args Event arguments - array(EventBuffer $e, mixed $arg)
function print_line($buf, $args)
static $max_requests;
* @var $e EventBuffer
* @var $base EventBase
list($e, $base) = $args;
// exit loop after 10 writes
if ($max_requests == 10) {
// print the line
echo $e->read(4096);
* Callback to invoke where there is an error on the descriptor.
* function(resource $buf, int $what, array $args(EventBuffer $e, mixed $arg))
* @param resource $buf File descriptor
* @param int $what What kind of error occurred. See EventBuffer::E_* constants
* @param array $args Event arguments - array(EventBuffer $e, mixed $arg)
function error_func($buf, $what, $args) {}
// I use Base::getEventBase() to operate always with the
// same instance, but you can simply use "new EventBase()"
// Get event base
$base = Base::getEventBase();
// Create buffered event
$ev = new EventBuffer(STDIN, 'print_line', null, 'error_func', $base);
// Start loop
AzaLibEvent is a part of Anizoptera CMF, written by Amal Samally (amal.samally at and AzaGroup team.
Released under the MIT license.
- Composer package
- Last build on the Travis CI
- Project profile on the Ohloh
- Other Anizoptera CMF components on the GitHub / Packagist
- (RU) AzaGroup team blog