ℹ️ You can access the apk file here. You can also watch the preview of the app here.
My Flutter portfolio app is a comprehensive showcase of my professional journey, highlighting various aspects of my career, skills, and interests. The app is structured into five main sections, each accessible through navigation:
- Profile: Discover my professional profile, including an introduction and key details about me.
- Projects: Explore a curated selection of projects I've worked on, along with descriptions and links to the source code or live demos.
- Internships: Gain insights into my internship experiences, the roles I've undertaken, and the skills I've developed.
- Education: Learn about my educational background, including degrees, institutions.
- Hobbies: Get to know me better through my hobbies and interests, including my contributions to various communities and personal accomplishments.
Coming Soon
- For this app to work, Use these commands to run the application
# to install dependencies
flutter pub get
# to run the flutter app
flutter run
- A window with
will be open in your browser to see the application.
- Navigation Bar: https://pub.dev/packages/dot_navigation_bar
- Font Awesome Icons: https://pub.dev/packages/font_awesome_flutter
- URL Launcher: https://pub.dev/packages/url_launcher
A quick look at the structure of the codebase.
|-- lib/
| |-- main.dart
| |-- src/
| | |-- screens/
| | | |-- profile_screen.dart
| | | |-- profile_content_screen.dart
| | | |-- education_screen.dart
| | | |-- projects_screen.dart
| | | |-- internships_screen.dart
| | | |-- hobbies_screen.dart
| |-- widgets/
| | |-- profile_widgets.dart
|-- assets/
| |-- ...
|-- pubspec.yaml
|-- ...
ℹ️ The icon links are working in the IDE and redirecting to the links associated with it.
Profile Page
Education Page
Projects Page
Internships Page
Hobbies Page
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.