This is the code for the paper titled "Efficient Estimation of Effective Resistance" in SIGMOD 2023. Please download datasets from here.
- System: Ubuntu 18.04
- GCC: 7.5.0
- CMake: 2.8.12
- Boost: 1.65.1
$ cmake .
$ sh
$ ./bere -f datasets/ -g dblp -a geer -e 0.5 -t 5 -n 20 # random queries
$ ./bere -f datasets/ -g dblp -a geer -e 0.5 -t 3 -n 20 -s 1 # edge queries
title={Efficient Estimation of Effective Resistance},
author={Yang, Renchi and Tang, Jing},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data},
pages={To Appear},