Authors: Ondřej Dacer, Michael Koudela
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Project description
Our web application enables users to share their own riddles with each other and solve them through the portal. Feel free to try it out and add your riddles or try to solve the existing ones, it is completely free!
Only registered users can create or solve a riddle. A riddle is either text or picture-based. Multiple riddles can be combined into a series, which can be set to be solved either in parallel or in linear order.
Riddles can be set as public and shared using a link, or shared only with selected users.
If a riddle is too difficult, a user may ask for a hint. After solving all the questions, a surprise prepared by the riddle author is unlocked.
Users can manage the riddles they created and view the answers of other users to them. They can also see the history of all the riddles they tried to solve.
Available pages
- Home - The first page you see when you get to see the web.
- Public riddles - List of publicly available riddles, ready to be solved!
- Received riddles - Here you can find all riddles someone created specially for you!
- My riddles - If you want to see what you actually created, this is the place where to go.
- Create riddle - Prepare your own riddle, accompany it with a picture and share it with friends!
- Firebase/Firestore authentication/database
- React hook forms
- Vercel