Application is designed to process employees data and generate corresponding reports.
File examples are represented in the following folder:
There are several assumptions were made in this challenge:
- Assume that files can contains wrong data (also in wrong format), duplicate data
- If Employee was not properly parsed (inc. cases as wrong department, no/bad age), this record are taken out of report generation and information about it put into errors.log file
- Some handy 3rd party libraries were not used by the challenge conditions and were replaced with simplified analogs(self-made ones) as ex. com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-csv is nice to work with csv
- Console is not used to show all information about application work. Instead of that, errors are written in separate file /out/errors.log
- Every developer know what percentile means and how to work with it. But what's about the proper algorthytm, how to calculate it. Honestly I "googled" for it and found out at least several variations which provide close but still a bit different results. I've choosen on of them. Implementation is under ReportService.percentile
Comments to code:
- Somewhere in code you can find static imports, which somebody like, somebody not really. Sometimes I find its handy to make code cleaner.
- I used to use javax.annotation.Nonnull/Nullable to provide method/api contracts. but there are not a part of jdk.
- Also I was missed about lombok and guava libraries, which could make code more nicer.
- In some places I've used BigDecimal for more precise results and comparing double values. I also notices that not everybody is cool with it.
- I've put some comments for better readability
Additional Features:
- errors logged in separate file
- you can use ~ in path parameter to provide relative to user home folder path.
- ReportService designed in the way to be able to generate reports with different groupings and aggregating different values.
- ReportService also allow calculte different percentiles.
To build application run:
mvn clean install
To execute application run:
java -jar target/hubrick-challenge.jar <PATH-TO-FOLDER-WITH-DATA>