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Pipeline for my host specificity ml model based on STm sequences. Uses nextflow with docker.

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Workflow for Host Attribution Machine Learning Models

A DSL2 Nextflow & Docker pipeline used to build bacterial source attribution machine learning models from assembled genomes, using SNPs, protein variants (PVs), intergenic regions (IGRs) and AMR profiles. Currently, it has only been tested for Salmonella typhimurium sequences.




  • Install Java
  • Install Nextflow
  • Install Docker
  • Pull Required Docker/Singularity Images
    • With Docker:

       docker pull staphb/quast:5.0.2 ;
       docker pull staphb/prokka:1.14.5 ;
       docker pull staphb/ncbi-amrfinderplus:3.10.5 ;
       docker pull staphb/piggy:1.5 ;
       docker pull ;
       docker pull staphb/snippy:4.6.0 ;
       docker pull rocker/tidyverse:4.0.5 ;
       docker pull ;
       docker pull staphb/snp-dists:0.8.2 ;
       docker pull annitachalka/r_model_build:1.03 ;
       docker pull ncbi/blast:2.12.0 ;
       docker pull staphb/seqtk:1.3 
    • With Singularity:

      singularity pull docker://staphb/quast:5.0.2  ;
      singularity pull docker://staphb/prokka:1.14.5 ; 
      singularity pull docker://staphb/ncbi-amrfinderplus:3.10.5 ; 
      singularity pull docker://staphb/piggy:1.5 ; 
      singularity pull docker:// ; 
      singularity pull docker://staphb/snippy:4.6.0 ; 
      singularity pull docker://rocker/tidyverse:4.0.5 ; 
      singularity pull docker:// ; 
      singularity pull docker://staphb/snp-dists:0.8.2 ; 
      singularity pull docker://annitachalka/r_model_build:1.03
      singularity pull docker://ncbi/blast:2.12.0
      singularity pull docker://ncbi/staphb/seqtk:1.3

Quick Start

Build models from a set of assemblies:

nextflow run --assemblypath "/home/username/myproject/input_data" --hostdata "/home/username/myproject/input_data/metadata.csv" --profile singularity

Get predictions of existing models from a set of assemblies:

nextflow run --assemblypath "/home/username/myproject/test_in" --outdir "/home/username/myproject/test_out" --pv_fasta "/home/username/model_building_out/4.model/model_ref/pv_filter.fasta" --igr_fasta "/home/username/model_building_out/4.model/model_ref/igr_filter.fasta" --models "/home/username/model_building_out/4.model/models" --snp_core_ref "/home/username/model_building_out/2.genomic_features/snp_core_out/" -profile singularity 

Building Models

Required Inputs (Model Building)

--assemblypath : Path to your assembly directory.

  • Must be a full path, not a relative one.
  • Assemblies must have .fasta extension (otherwise the pipeline breaks)

--hostdata : Path to your metadata file. The following fields must be present:

  • Filename: Full filename of your assembly, including the extension (.fasta)

  • Host: Host your assembly was obtained from. Can be as many as you want or as few as two. This pipeline assumes you have human hosts in your dataset. If not, the R-script modules which generate human-scoring models may crash.

  • Region: Country/Region the assembly was obtained from. It is used for the detection for clonal clusters. Fields can be left blank, but must be present in the metadata file.

  • Year: Year the assembly was collected. It is used for the detection for clonal clusters. Fields can be left blank, but must be present.

  • Below is an example of the contents of the metadata file:

  • An alternative minimal metadata file with the Year and Region fields blank:


Please refer to the metadata.csv file inside the input test folder for another example.

Advanced Runs (Model Building)

  • Specify output directory to ./pipeline_results instead of the default ./out :
nextflow run --assemblypath "/home/username/myproject/input_data" --hostdata "/home/username/myproject/input_data/metadata.csv" --outdir "./pipeline_results"
  • Metadata file with different headings (eg a metdata file that has the headers File,Source,Area,Collection.Year instead of the expected Filename,Source.Host,Region,Year):
nextflow run --assemblypath "/home/username/myproject/input_data" --hostdata "/home/username/myproject/input_data/metadata.csv" --assembly_column="File" --host_column="Host" --region_columns="Area" --year_collection="Collection.Year"
  • Change the cutoffs for filtering out low quality assemblies:
nextflow run --assemblypath "/home/username/myproject/input_data" --hostdata "/home/username/myproject/input_data/metadata.csv" --as_ln_upr=7000000 --as_ln_lwr=3000000 --ctg_count=100 --largest_ctg=150000 --n50=30000 --gc_upr=56 --gc_lwr=40
  • Change the threshold for SNP difference used to cluster assemblies for clonal detection:
nextflow run --assemblypath "/home/username/myproject/input_data" --hostdata "/home/username/myproject/input_data/metadata.csv" --snp_dist_threshold=100
  • Provide your own trusted protein file for prokka-based annotations:
nextflow run --assemblypath "/home/username/myproject/input_data" --hostdata "/home/username/myproject/input_data/metadata.csv" --prokka_ref "./my_folder/protein_file.fasta"
  • Change amrfinder species & have prokka use the Escherichia genus for annotation:
nextflow run --assemblypath "/home/username/myproject/input_data" --hostdata "/home/username/myproject/input_data/metadata.csv" --amr_species="ecoli" --prokka_extra "--genus Escherichia"
  • Run panaroo on a different filtering setting:
nextflow run --assemblypath "/home/username/myproject/input_data" --hostdata "/home/username/myproject/input_data/metadata.csv"--panaroo_mode="strict"
  • Provide a SNP reference file:
nextflow run --assemblypath "/home/username/myproject/input_data" --hostdata "/home/username/myproject/input_data/metadata.csv"  --snp_ref "./my_folder/my_snp_ref.fasta"
  • Change the number of cores for panaroo and piggy to run on:
nextflow run --assemblypath "/home/username/myproject/input_data" --hostdata "/home/username/myproject/input_data/metadata.csv"  --threads=5

Full Parameters (Model Building)

To get a full list of the available parameters, run: nextflow run --help

        The options for running the pipeline to build models are structured as follows:
        --option                       Description/Notes [default value]

    Mandatory Parameters:
        --assemblypath                  Directory of your fasta files (full path required) [./test_data/model_build_inut_test]
        --hostdata                      CSV file containing assembly filename, host, year and region [./test_data/model_build_in/metadata.csv]

    Optional Parameters:
        --outdir                        Output directory for models & other data [./out]
    Hostdata File Parameters:
        --assembly_column               Column name of your assemblies. Must contain extension eg myassembly.fasta ["Filename"]
        --host_column                   Column name of your hosts ["Source.Host"]
        --region_column                 Column of region of origin. Used to detect clonal clusters. Can be empty, but must exist. ["Region"]
        --year_collection               Column of year each assembly was collected. Used to detect clonal clusters. Can be empty, but must exist. ["Year"]

    Assembly Quality Parameters:
        --as_ln_upr                     Maximum accepted assembly length [6000000]
        --as_ln_lwr                     Minimum accepted assembly length [4000000]
        --ctg_count                     Minimum accepted number of contigs [500]
        --largest_ctg                   Minimum accepted length of largest contig [100000] 
        --n50                           Minimum accepted n50 [50000]
        --gc_upr                        Maximum accepted GC % [54]
        --gc_lwr                        Minimum accepted GC % [50]

    Clonal Detection Parameters:
        --snp_dist_threshold            SNP difference used to detect clonal clusters. Used in conjunction with region & collection year metadata. [10]
    Tool-specific Parameters:
        --prokka_ref                    'Trusted' protein file for prokka (prokka --proteins) [./data/stm_proteinref.fasta]
        --prokka_extra                  Additional options for prokka anootation, eg."--genus Enterococcus" []
        --amr_species                   Assembly species for amrfinder (amrfinder -O) ["Salmonella"]
        --panaroo_mode                  Panaroo assembly filtering mode (panaroo --clean-mode) ["moderate"]
        --snp_ref                       Reference file for snippy (snippy --ref) [./data/stm_sl1344.fasta]
        --threads                       Num of threads to use for panaroo & piggy (panaroo -t & piggy -t) [10]
    Feature Filtering Parameters:
        snp_lower                       Lower threshold abundance of SNPs to be excluded from odel training [0.1]
        snp_upper                       Lower threshold abundance of SNPs to be excluded from odel training [99]
        scoarycutoff                    Threshold for filtering PV/IGRs based on scoary's bonferroni corrected p value [1.1]

    Nextflow Options
        profile                         Run with docker or singularity (options are docker or singularity)

    If you wish to alter the scripts used to generate the models, simply edit the appropriate 'model_building' R scripts in ./data/ - ONLY DO SO IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING

Outputs (Model Building)

The output folder should contain the following folders:

  • 0.Reports/: Contains housekeeping files about the pipeline execution, which include:
  • 2.genomic_features/
    • amr_all.tsv:
    • scoary_traitfile.csv: file used by scoary for trait association
    • annotations/: prokka output
    • pv_out: panaroo & scoary outputs
      • panaroo_out/
      • roary_out/
      • scoary_pv/
    • igr_out/: piggy & scoary outputs
      • piggy_out/
      • scoary_igr/
    • snp_core_out/: snippy outputs
    • 3.clonal_detection/: information about clonal clusters within inputted assemblies
      • base_cluster_static.png
      • good_nonclonal_metadata.csv: metadata file with the clonal assemblies removed, except for 1 representative from each clonal cluster
      • clusters/: folder with each cluster as a separate file
  • 4.model/
    • model_ref/: sequence reference files needed for the prediction of new assemblies
      • igr_filter.fasta
      • pv_filter.fasta
      • assemblyblastdb*
    • model_input/: files used as model inputs (amr, pv, igr, snp)
      • amr_gene_all.tsv
      • amr_gene_bps.tsv
      • amr_gene_human.tsv
      • amr_class_all.tsv
      • amr_class_bps.tsv
      • amr_class_human.tsv
      • igr_all.tsv
      • igr_bps.tsv
      • igr_human.tsv
      • pv_all.tsv
      • pv_bps.tsv
      • pv_human.tsv
      • snp_abudance_all.tsv
      • snp_abudance_bps.tsv
      • snp_abudance_human.tsv
    • models/: folder with prediction models
    • predictions/: folder with files on how each inputted assembly was predicted by each model
    • plots/

Workflow (Model Building)

Simplified Diagram of Model Building Pipeline

Clonal Filtering

In order to maximize genetic diversity and reduced bias resulting from overrepresented features as a result of clonal outbreaks, the pipeline has a clonal filtering stage. Assemblies are placed in a cluster if all the following conditions are met:

  • Same host
  • Same region
  • Same year
  • <10 SNP difference (threshold can be changed by the --snp_dist_threshold flag)

Assemblies that fullfil all of the above conditions are collected into clonal clusters. One assembly is chosen in random form each cluster and the rest are removed from the training dataset.

Testing Models

Required Inputs (Testing Models)

--assemblypath : Path to your assembly directory.

  • Must be a full path, not a relative one.
  • Assemblies must have .fasta extension (otherwise the pipeline breaks)





The above parameters are for files generated during a run of the model building pipeline

Full Parameters (Testing Models)

To get a full list of the available parameters, run: nextflow run --help

        The options for running the pipeline to build models are structured as follows:
        --option                        Description/Notes [default value]

    Mandatory inputs:
        --assemblypath                  Directory of your fasta files (full path required) [input_test]
        --pv_fasta                      Fasta file of the pv used to train the pv model (generated by previous pipeline) [out/4.model/model_ref/pv_filter.fasta ]
        --igr_fasta                     Fasta file of the igr sequences used to train the igr model (generated by previous pipeline) [out/4.model/model_ref/igr_filter.fasta ]
        --models                        Folder of where your models are stored (generated by previous pipeline) [out/4.model/models]
        --snp_core_ref                  Reference file of your core snps (generated by previous pipeline) [out/2.genomic_features/snp_core_out/]

    Optional arguments:
        --outdir                        Output directory for models & other data [./out]
    Hostdata file options:
        --assembly_column               Column name of your assemblies. Must contain extension eg myassembly.fasta ["Filename"]

    Tool-specific arguments:
        --prokka_ref                    'Trusted' protein file for prokka (prokka --proteins) [./data/stm_proteinref.fasta]
        --prokka_extra                  Additional options for prokka anootation, eg."--genus Enterococcus" []
        --amr_species                   Assembly species for amrfinder (amrfinder -O) ["Salmonella"]
        --snp_ref                       Reference file for snippy (snippy --ref) [/data/stm_sl1344.fasta]

    Nextflow Options
        profile                         Run with docker or singularity (options are docker or singularity)

Outputs (Testing Models)

The output folder should contain the following items:

  • 0.Reports/: Contains housekeeping files about the pipeline execution, which include:
  • 2.genomic_features/
    • amr_all.tsv:
    • annotations/: prokka output
    • blast_results: blast output of the inputted assemblies against the PVs/IGRs used to train the models
    • snp_core_out/: snippy outputs
  • 4.model/
    • model_input/: the inputted assembly data used for testing (amr, pv, igr, snp)
      • amr_gene_all.tsv
      • amr_class_all.tsv
      • igr_all.tsv
      • pv_all.tsv
      • snp_abudance_all.tsv
    • predictions/: folder with files on how each inputted assembly was predicted by each model

Workflow (Testing Models)

Simplified Diagram of Model Testing Pipeline



  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X (12 cores, 24 logical processors)

  • 128 GB RAM

Test Dataset:

Completed at: 09-Dec-2021 19:00:52
Duration    : 17m 6s
CPU hours   : 3.7
Succeeded   : 80

Large datasets (eg 5k+ STm sequences) will take several days to run.




Pipeline for my host specificity ml model based on STm sequences. Uses nextflow with docker.






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