It will contain the problems and solutions in one or more languages for the Past Coding competitions/Hackathons and past interviews. It will be used only for the educational purpose and practices for the future competitions/Hackathons and interviews.
If the competition organizers don't expose the problems/questions to the OpenSouce world, then please ignore that. Do not attach any illegal copies here.
Eg :
- IEEEXtreme Competitions
- Google Code Jam Competitions
- HackerRank Competitions
- CodeChef Competitions
You can add other competition's solutions and problems here.
Please read this guideline carefully before the contribution.
- This will be used only for the educational purposes, So don't include any business related information here.
- Use the official website of the Coding Hackathons to get more information for the related tags.
- Please don't include any wrong information(Problems or Solutions) here. If you can't verify some solutions for the problems then, please leave that problem.
- Check the coding standard once. Writing comments for the lines will be appreciated.
- Please follow the PR template while sending the PR
Please follow this steps to start your contribution,
- Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
- Create a new entry about the Competition/Problem/Solutions(respect to the language), if it not exists.
- If you find any issues in the existing problems or solutions, please feel free to create issues for that.
- Commit and Push your changes to your repository
- Create Pull Request to this repo(Please care about the PR guidelines)
- Thanks for your contribution and Don't forget to star the repository
Every contributor should follow this folder structure. It will help us to track the problems and solutions easily
| CompetitionName
| - CompetitionYear-CompetitionVersion
| --- ProblemId-Problem titile/Question titile
| ------ Problem description/ question description
| ------ Solutions
| --------- LanguageName
| ------------ SolutionFile
You can add the Problem description/question description in this following ways,
- Create a file and create the entry for the problem/question
- Drop the PDF version of the problem/question
- Use the HTML file of the problem/question (Only one HTML file)
If you get the problem from the coding interviews, then create the folder structure like this following,
| InterviewQuestions
| - CompanyName
| --- InterviewYear
| ------ ProblemId-Problem titile/Question titile
| --------- Problem description/ question description
| --------- Solutions
| ------------ LanguageName
| --------------- SolutionFile
If you fixed any issues in this repository, then the Pull Request content should contain that respected issue id. Eg: Issue: #1
If you are sending one PR for one problem in a competition/Hackathon then, follow this steps
- Please clearly indicate the Competition/Hackathon-Year-Version name in the PR title.
- You can create multiple PR for each Competition/Hackathon. In that case, mention the Competition/Hackathon-Year-Version.
- If the PR doesn't contain the Competition/Hackathon-Year, then reviewers may reject the PR.
Samples for the PR title,
[IEEEXtreme-2016] Problem Name - Problem added
[IEEEXtreme-2016] Problem Name - Solution added in Java Language
[IEEEXtreme-2016] Problem Name - Solution refactored in Java Language
[IEEEXtreme-2016-01] updated solution in Java