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How to make a KneeBend Model from a template

MateiSarivan edited this page Dec 1, 2016 · 1 revision
  1. Open a new Main file using a ”Standing Man” template
  2. To make it run quicker turn of the arms for now. include:
 #define BM_ARM_LEFT OFF

right after

   #path BM_MANNEQUIN_FILE "Model\Mannequin.any"

Now let’s make it do a knee bend

  1. Add drivers to make the Kneebend open the #include "Model\JointsAndDrivers.any" file by double clicking on it. add following lines for easier reference:
 AnyFolder &LegR = ..HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.Leg;
 AnyFolder &LegL = ..HumanModel.BodyModel.Left.Leg;

Let's fix the right foot to the ground, and add following code into the Drivers folder:

 // Place the right toe and heel on the ground
 AnyKinEqSimpleDriver RToeGroundConstraint ={
   AnyKinLinear ToePos = {
     AnyFixedRefFrame &Ground = Main.Model.Environment.GlobalRef;
     AnyRefNode &Ball = Main.Model.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.Leg.Seg.Foot.ToeJoint;
  MeasureOrganizer = {1};  // Only the y coordinate
   DriverPos = {0.0};
   DriverVel = {0};
   Reaction.Type = {Off};   // Provide ground reaction forces
  AnyKinEqSimpleDriver RHeelGroundConstraint ={
   AnyKinLinear HeelPos = {
     AnyFixedRefFrame &Ground = Main.Model.Environment.GlobalRef;
     AnyRefNode &Ball = Main.Model.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.Leg.Seg.Foot.HeelNode;
   MeasureOrganizer = {1};  // Only the y coordinate
   DriverPos = {0.0};
   DriverVel = {0};
   Reaction.Type = {Off};   // Provide ground reaction forces
   // Position the Ankles right above the z axis
 AnyKinEqSimpleDriver RAnkleX = {
   AnyKinLinear AnklePos = {
     AnyFixedRefFrame &Ground = Main.Model.Environment.GlobalRef;
     AnyRefNode &Ankle = ..LegR.Seg.Foot.SubTalarJoint;
   MeasureOrganizer = {0};  // Only the x coordinate
   DriverPos = {0.0};
   DriverVel = {0.0};
   Reaction.Type = {Off};

And the same for the left foot:

 // Place the left toe and heel on the ground
   AnyKinEqSimpleDriver LToeGroundConstraint ={
    AnyKinLinear ToePos = {
     AnyFixedRefFrame &Ground = Main.Model.Environment.GlobalRef;
     AnyRefNode &Ball = Main.Model.HumanModel.BodyModel.Left.Leg.Seg.Foot.ToeJoint;
   MeasureOrganizer = {1};  // Only the y coordinate
   DriverPos = {0.0};
   DriverVel = {0};
   Reaction.Type = {Off};  // Provide ground reaction
 AnyKinEqSimpleDriver LHeelGroundConstraint ={
   AnyKinLinear HeelPos = {
     AnyFixedRefFrame &Ground = Main.Model.Environment.GlobalRef;
     AnyRefNode &Ball = Main.Model.HumanModel.BodyModel.Left.Leg.Seg.Foot.HeelNode;
   MeasureOrganizer = {1};  // Only the y coordinate
   DriverPos = {0.0};
 DriverVel = {0};
   Reaction.Type = {Off};  // Provide ground reaction
 // Position the Ankles right above the z axis
 AnyKinEqSimpleDriver LAnkleX ={
   AnyKinLinear AnklePos = {
     AnyFixedRefFrame &Ground = Main.Model.Environment.GlobalRef;
     AnyRefNode &Ankle = ..LegL.Seg.Foot.SubTalarJoint;
   MeasureOrganizer = {0};  // Only the x coordinate
   DriverPos = {0.0};
   DriverVel = {0.0};
   Reaction.Type = {Off};
  1. To make it more realistic, change the model so that AnyBody predicts ground reaction forces

Add this code called conditional contact to the same Joints and Drivers file:

 ConditionalContactFootPlaneClass RightFootSupport (
 BaseObject = Main.Model.Environment.GlobalRef,
 Foot = .LegR.Seg.Foot,
 DisplayTriggerVolume = 0,
 DisplayTargetNode =1
 ) = {
   UserDefinedLimitLow = -0.05;
   UserDefinedLimitHigh = 0.05;
   UserDefinedRadiusLimit = 0.4;
   Strength = 2000;
   StaticFrictionCoefficient = 0.8;
   NormalDirection = Y;
   FrictionDirection1 = X;
   FrictionDirection2 = Z;
   ConditionalContactFootPlaneClass LeftFootSupport (
   BaseObject = Main.Model.Environment.GlobalRef,
   Foot = .LegL.Seg.Foot,
   DisplayTriggerVolume = 1,
   DisplayTargetNode =1
   ) = {
     UserDefinedLimitLow = -0.05;
     UserDefinedLimitHigh = 0.05;
     UserDefinedRadiusLimit = 0.4;
     Strength = 2000;
     StaticFrictionCoefficient = 0.8;
     NormalDirection = Y;
     FrictionDirection1 = X;
     FrictionDirection2 = Z;

To use this conditional contact, you need to include the classes at the beginning of the Main file:

    #include "../libdef.any"
    #include "<ANYBODY_PATH_TOOLBOX>\FrictionContactMuscles\ConditionalContactClass.any"
    #include "<ANYBODY_PATH_TOOLBOX>\FrictionContactMuscles\ConditionalContactFootPlaneClass.any"
    Main = {...
  1. Now change the velocities for each joint to make the body model do a knee bend (similar to tutorial 1) Therefore you need to open and edit
   #path BM_MANNEQUIN_FILE "Model\Mannequin.any"
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