Python Library for the uArm swift Pro robot arm
Created by: Richard Garsthagen -
V0.3 - June 2018 - Still under development !!
Written for Python v2.x
See the examples files on how to use the library.
- Support for Firmware V4 and older firmwares
- Connecting to uArm swift Pro and setting the mode
- Basic move command in absolute coordinates
- Control single or multiple robots at a time. Support aSync mode for multiple robots.
- Turn on/off pump
- Drawing a circle
More to follow :-)
Using the initialization, you can specify the firmware of yor robot.
myRobot = uArmRobot.robot(serialport,1)
0 = Firmware V1,v2,v3
1 = Firmware V4
If using firmware V4, use speeds between 0 - 100