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Awesome list of awesome website from my bookmarks. Download bookmarks also.

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Social Media

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Awesome People


  • xLog - The first on-chain and open-source blogging platform for everyone.
  • iris - Like the social networking apps we're used to, but better.

Username Checker

  • blackbird - An OSINT tool to search for accounts by username in social networks.
  • Landing - NameKetchup
  • sherlock - 🔎 Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks



  • PARTY - Your friend has invited you to join the biggest underground party the internet has ever seen!
  • GPT Twitter Bot - Are you ready to find out who AI thinks you are based on your Tweets?







  • Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit
  • The Crystal Programming Language - A language for humans and computers
  • V - Simple, fast, safe, compiled. For developing maintainable software.
  • Erlang - A programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. Erlang's runtime system has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance.
  • Odin Programming Language - The Data-Oriented Language for Sane Software Development.
  • Ink - The Ink blog


  • SolidJS - Reactive Javascript Library
  • React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Preact - Fast 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API. Components & Virtual DOM.
  • Ember.js - A framework for ambitious web developers
  • reveal.js - The HTML presentation framework.
  • Preact - Preact: Fast 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API. Components & Virtual DOM.
  • Alpine.js - Your new, lightweight, JavaScript framework.
  • ArrowJS - A experimental tool for programming reactive interfaces using native JavaScript. It’s not really a framework, but not less powerful than a framework either.
  • Plasmo - Supercharge your browser extension development
  • Nano JSX - Lightweight 1kB JSX library
  • react_app - A React Framework for Deno that makes it easy to create highly interactive apps that have server side rendering with file based routing for both your UI and API.
  • ESM - A fast, global content delivery network for NPM packages with ES Module format.
  • Skypack - Load optimized npm packages with no install and no build tools.
  • JSPM - JSPM provides a module CDN and package management for import maps, allowing any package from npm to be loaded directly in the browser fully optimized without further tooling.
  • - Load modern JavaScript packages built for you on-demand Works in modern web browsers, node.js, and deno
  • DenoPKG
Web Components

####### Framework

  • Stencil - Library for building reusable, scalable Design Systems. Generate small, blazing fast Web Components that run everywhere.
  • Bay.js - An easy to use, lightweight library for web-components.
  • Lit
  • Shoelace - A forward-thinking library of web components.

####### Componets


####### UI

  • Pollen - A configurable library of CSS variables. It lets you write faster, more consistent, and more maintainable styles. Use it in any stack and easily extend it as a build tool for your own custom design systems.
  • Neumorphism UI - Inspired User Interface Kit that will help you prototype and design beautiful, creative and modern websites.
  • UI Kitten - React Native UI Library based on Eva Design System
  • MVP.css - Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements
  • Headless UI - Unstyled, fully accessible UI components
  • daisyUI — Tailwind CSS Components
  • Tippy.js - Tooltip, Popover, Dropdown, and Menu Library
  • MUI Core - Ready to use components, free forever
  • Ant Design - The world's second most popular React UI framework
  • Sailboat UI - Modern UI component library for Tailwind CSS
  • Tamagui — React Native + Web UI kit
  • DecaUI - A component library that suits all your needs

####### Avatars

  • Multiavatar - Multicultural Avatar Generator in JavaScript
  • react nice avatar - React library for generating avatar
  • Boring Avatars - A tiny JavaScript React library that generates custom, SVG-based avatars from any username and color palette.

####### Animation

  • AutoAnimate - Add motion to your apps with a single line of code.
  • Theatre.js - animation toolbox for the web
  • Three.js – JavaScript 3D Library
  • p5.js - p5.js is a JavaScript library for creative coding, with a focus on making coding accessible and inclusive for artists, designers, educators, beginners, and anyone else.
  • Babylon.js - Powerful, Beautiful, Simple, Open - Web-Based 3D At Its Best
  • Lazy Brush - Smooth Canvas Drawing
  • Scroll Btween - Tween any CSS values on any DOM element in relation with its position into the viewport.
  • Vanta.js - Animated 3D Backgrounds For Your Website
  • Atomico webcomponents - Create interfaces with code simple, fast and light
  • barba.js - Create badass, fluid and smooth transitions between your website’s pages.
  • Unovis - A modular data visualization framework for React, Angular, Svelte, and vanilla TypeScript or JavaScript

####### Terminal

####### Audio

  • symphonia - An audio playback library for Node.js
  • howler.js - JavaScript audio library for the modern web

####### Editor

  • slate - A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. (Currently in beta.)
  • CodeMirror - A code editor component for the web. It can be used in websites to implement a text input field with support for many editing features, and has a rich programming interface to allow further extension.
  • ajaxorg/ace - Ace ( Cloud9 Editor)
  • editor.js - A block-style editor with clean JSON output
  • Lexical - An extensible text editor framework that does things differently
  • Stylo - Another kind of rich text editor
  • Editable - Editable is an extensible rich text editor framework that focuses on stability, controllability, and performance.

####### Optimization

  • resvg-js - A high-performance SVG renderer and toolkit, powered by Rust based resvg and napi-rs.
  • on-change - Watch an object or array for changes
  • fast-array-join - 61% faster array join for JavaScript.

####### Components

  • MailtoUI - A simple way to enhance your mailto links with a convenient user interface.
  • itgalaxy/favicons - Favicons generator for Node.js
  • Tabulator - Easy to use, simple to code, fully featured, interactive JavaScript tables
  • highlightable-input - A light-weight highlightable input.

####### AI/ML

####### 3D

  • Pixi3D - The 3D renderer for PixiJS. Seamless integration with 2D applications.
  • four - 💎 Minimal three.js alternative in 4KB.

####### Syntax Highlighter

  • shiki - A beautiful Syntax Highlighter.
  • refractor - Lightweight, robust, elegant virtual syntax highlighting using Prism
  • lowlight - Virtual syntax highlighting for virtual DOMs and non-HTML things
  • starry-night - Syntax highlighting, like GitHub

####### Wrapper

  • YouTube.js - A wrapper around YouTube's internal API — reverse engineering InnerTube

####### Colors

  • tinycolor - 🎨 Color manipulation and conversion
  • Colord - JavaScript library for color manipulations and conversions
  • emoji-palette - Get color palettes from emojis

####### Internal

  • Remeda - The first "data-first" and "data-last" utility library designed especially for TypeScript.
  • Structura.js - A very fast and lightweight Typescript library which allows to create immutable states with a mutable syntax. It is based on the idea of structural sharing.
  • immutable-js - Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.
  • Dinero.js - A library for working with monetary values in JavaScript.
  • zod-fetch - Simple function for building a type-safe fetcher with Zod

####### Search

  • uFuzzy - A tiny, efficient fuzzy search that doesn't suck
  • MiniSearch - A tiny but powerful in-memory fulltext search engine written in JavaScript. It is respectful of resources, and it can comfortably run both in Node and in the browser.
  • Lyra - A fully-featured full-text search engine that runs wherever JavaScript runs, including browsers, servers, React Native, edge networks, and more.

####### Chart

  • billboard.js - Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library, based on D3 v4+.
  • Chart.js - Open source HTML5 Charts for your website
  • OrgChart - It's a simple and direct organization chart plugin. Anytime you want a tree-like chart, you can turn to OrgChart.
  • Plotteus - A JavaScript data visualization library designed to help you tell better stories.

####### CSS in JS

####### Image

  • Pixel It - Create pixel art from an image
  • satori - Enlightened library to convert HTML and CSS to SVG
  • DiceBear - Open Source Avatar Library

####### CLI

  • clack - Effortlessly build beautiful command-line apps
  • tiny-bin - A library for building tiny and beautiful command line apps.
  • lowdb - Simple to use local JSON database. Use native JavaScript API to query. Written in TypeScript. (supports Node, Electron and the browser)
  • url-animations - Add loading animations to your website in your browser URL field.
  • fireworks.js - A simple fireworks library! Ready to use components available for React, Vue 3, Svelte, Angular, Preact, Solid, and Web Components.
  • Dbin - Library to download binary files from GitHub releases detecting the correct platform.
  • clappr - An extensible media player for the web.
  • MathJax - Beautiful math in all browsers.
  • garlic - 🧄🧛 protect your website from being scraped by bots.
  • kaboom - 💥 JavaScript game library
  • Popper - Tooltip & Popover Positioning Engine
  • fv - An experimental approach to expressing vector math in js (tagged template literals)
  • current.js - A tiny 🤏 library (only 379 B) that allows you to access current <meta> elements
  • logt - 🖥️ A colourful logger for the browser
  • current.js - A tiny 🤏 library (only 379 B) that allows you to access current <meta> elements
  • Unhead - Universal document tag manager.
  • feedbackplus - Screenshotting and screenshot editing for your feedback forms with JavaScript.
  • dax - Cross platform shell tools for Deno inspired by zx.
  • prompt-engine - A library for helping developers craft prompts for Large Language Models
  • sortable - Vanilla JavaScript table sort
  • alienkitty/space.js - 🛸 Future web UI
  • discord-fs - Discord as a filesystem
  • dosco/minds - MindsJS - Build AI powered workflows easily

####### Search

  • MiniSearch - A tiny but powerful in-memory fulltext search engine written in JavaScript. It is respectful of resources, and it can comfortably run both in Node and in the browser.
  • melonJS - melonJS is an open source HTML5 game engine that empowers developers and designers to focus on content.
  • Shifty - The fastest JavaScript animation engine on the web
  • suppress - AI as Backend. Really, its like express.js but easier and uses AI.
Cross Platform
  • Gluon - Develop desktop apps from websites, using system installed browsers and NodeJS.
  • - Open Source Node.js Cross Platform Desktop Automation
  • Lightning CSS - An extremely fast CSS parser, transformer, bundler, and minifier.
  • siimple - Minimal and themeable CSS toolkit · siimple CSS
  • Piling.js - A JavaScript library to build visual piling interfaces for exploring large collections of small multiples.
  • WebContainers - Dev environments. In your web app.
  • codon - A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler using LLVM
  • Numba - A High Performance Python Compiler
  • PyPy - A fast, compliant alternative implementation of Python
  • codon - A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler using LLVM
  • | Quantified Self Experiments


  • burn - BURN: Burn Unstoppable Rusty Neurons
  • Ruff
  • leptos - Build fast web applications with Rust.
  • Dioxus - An elegant GUI library for Rust
  • Nannou - An open-source creative-coding framework for Rust


  • The Dhall - configuration language
  • RON - A simple readable data serialization format that looks similar to Rust syntax. It's designed to support all of Serde's data model, so structs, enums, tuples, arrays, generic maps, and primitive values.
  • BSON (Binary JSON) Serialization - seri­al­iz­a­tion of JSON-like doc­u­ments.
  • HCL - Tthe HashiCorp configuration language.


  • </> htmx - high power tools for html.
  • Enhance - A web standards-based HTML framework. It’s designed to provide a dependable foundation for building lightweight, flexible, and future-proof web applications.
  • Hibiki HTML - Easy-to-use web framework for creating modern front-end applications. There is no JavaScript stack to set up, no boilerplate/scaffolding, no build tools to download and run, and no need to be a JavaScript expert.
  • JinjaX - Super components powers for your Jinja templates
  • Eta - Lightweight, powerful, pluggable embedded JS template engine.
  • Marko - It's like HTML and JS had a perfect baby that grew up to be awesome


  • WASM-4 - Build retro games using WebAssembly for a fantasy console


  • IHP - Integrated Haskell Platform, a batteries-included web framework built on purely functional programming technologies
  • Foi - a different kind of functional programming language
  • The-Spiral-Language - Functional language with intensional polymorphism and first-class staging.
  • DSchroer/dslcad - A programming language & interpreter for building 3D models.
  • Strudel - A new live coding platform to write dynamic music pieces in the browser!
  • NESFab - A new programming language for creating NES games. Designed with 8-bit limitations in mind, the language is more ergonomic to use than C, while also producing faster assembly code. It's easy to get started with, and has a useful set of libraries for making your first — or hundredth.



Static Assets

  • jsDelivr - A free, fast, and reliable CDN for open source
  • cdnjs - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers
  • Statically - The CDN for developers


  • - Quality metadata badges for open source projects
  • Badgen - Fast badge generating service
  • Badges 4 Profile - Improve your profile with these amazing badges.
  • UNPKG - a fast, global content delivery network for everything on npm. Use it to quickly and easily load any file from any package using a URL


  • Restfox - Offline-first web HTTP client


Open Graph

  • Open Graph Image as a Service - A service to generate dynamic Open Graph images on-the-fly for the purpose of sharing a website to social media. Proudly hosted on Vercel.
  • ogsupa - og:supa is an open-source og:image generator! All you have to do is add our tag to your HTML and you're good to go!
  • Opengraph image as a service - A simple opengraph image generator
  • Imgen - generate and hotlink open graph social images



  • Icotar - Colorful Icon Avatars
  • 99 Avatars - Avatars generator
  • - get unified user avatar from Twitter, GitHub, Intagram, Reddit, etc.
  • avatar-generator - Generate SVG or PNG avatars with ease.
  • Bunny AI - The easiest way to dynamically generate images
  • fast favicon - API to provide images for favicons using emojis and characters.


  • Wordnik for Developers - Request definitions, example sentences, spelling suggestions, synonyms and antonyms (and other related words), word phrases, pronunciations, random words, words of the day, and much more.
  • API Docs - Dog API by kinduff
  • Open Library - A suite of APIs to help developers get up and running with our data. This includes RESTful APIs, which make Open Library data availabile in JSON, YAML and RDF/XML formats. There's also an earlier, now deprecated JSON API which is preserved for backward compatibility.
  • Bionic Reading API - Documentation (bionic-reading-bionic-reading-default)
  • spoonacular - recipe and food API
  • WordsAPI - An API for the English Language.
  • AirLabs Data API - Real-time Flight Status & Global Aviation Database
  • DEM-Net Elevation API
  • Pirate Weather - A Free, Open, and Documented Forecast API
  • ungh - 🐙 Unlimited access to github API.
  • OpenCitations - OpenCitations Corpus
  • Jikan - Unofficial MyAnimeList API
  • OpenAPI.Tools - To keep API developers up to date with the best OpenAPI tooling around, and help direct folks to high quality modern tooling, instead of being stuck on old v2-based rubbish.
  • tweetfree - Twitter's API made free using puppeteer
  • - This is a super simple service for generating different HTTP codes.
  • DummyJSON - Fake REST API of JSON data for development


  • Lens Protocol - Building a social network is hard. Lens Protocol makes it easy.
  • The AT Protocol - Social networking technology created by Bluesky
  • remoteStorage - Open protocol for per-user storage on the Web



Project Management

Build Tools

  • Parcel - Parcel combines a great out-of-the-box development experience with a scalable architecture that can take your project from just getting started to massive production application.
  • Turbopack - The successor to webpack
  • Vite - Next Generation Frontend Tooling
  • esbuild - An extremely fast bundler for the web


  • Playwright - Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps.


  • Turborepo - The build system that makes ship happen
  • Rush - A scalable monorepo manager for the web


  • Surge - Static web publishing for Front-End Developers
  • Fly - Deploy app servers close to your users.
  • Railway - Bring your code, we'll handle the rest.
  • Supabase - The Open Source Firebase Alternative.
  • 5apps - An excellent home for your JavaScript apps and static sites.


  • PlanetScale - The world’s most advanced database platform



  • Slidev - Presentation Slides for Developers
  • Marp - Markdown Presentation Ecosystem
  • reveal.js - The HTML presentation framework
  • Mintlify - Beautiful documentation that converts users
  • Docus - The best place to start your documentation.
  • Docusaurus - Build optimized websites quickly, focus on your content
  • Markdoc - A powerful, flexible, Markdown-based authoring framework
  • Remotion - Make videos programmatically
  • awesome-static-website-services - 📄 🛠 A curated list of awesome static websites services
  • fresh - The next-gen web framework.
  • Ultra - The Quest for Zero-Legacy
  • Qwik - Framework reimagined for the edge!
  • Gatsby - The Fastest Frontend for the Headless Web
  • Lume - The static site generator for Deno
  • Eleventy - A simpler static site generator
  • vss - Easy-to-use static site generator
  • LiveViewJS - A open-source framework for "LiveView"-based, full-stack applications in NodeJS and Deno.
  • Turbo - The speed of a single-page web application without having to write any JavaScript.
  • Svelte - Build and send emails using Svelte and TypeScript.



  • Metaplex - Metaplex is a platform for NFT creators and developers on Solana.
  • viem - TypeScript Interface for Ethereum


Design Tools


  • awesome-love2d - A curated list of amazingly awesome LÖVE libraries, resources and shiny things.
  • curated-design-tools - A curated list of the tools we use to enhance our design wokflow.
  • awesome-material - A curated list of Google's material design libraries for different frameworks.
  • Awesome Stock Resources - A collection of links for free stock photography, video and Illustration websites
  • - Your Unique and Free Generator Tools in One Place



  • Template
  • Boxy SVG - Project goal is to create the best tool for editing SVG files.
  • Figma - The collaborative interface design tool.
  • Canva - Free Design Tool, Presentations, Video, Social Media
  • videoinu - online video editor
  • Drake_Stafford - A fee, open source audio editor for the web.
  • Penpot - Design Freedom for Teams

Image & Video


  • Pika - Create beautiful code images
  • - Free Background Image Remover, Remove BG from HD Images Online
  • Watermark Remover - Remove watermarks from your images using our AI technology. Use our watermark-remover tool and get your images watermark free.
  • - Remove objects, people, text and defects from any picture for free
  • - Remove Background from Image
Text to Image


  • Flickr - The best online photo management and sharing application in the world.
  • Behance - Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and branding.
  • DeviantArt - The Largest Online Art Gallery and Community
  • Dribbble - Discover the World’s Top Designers & Creative Professionals
  • ArtStation - ArtStation provides you with a simple, yet powerful way to show your portfolio and be seen by the right people in the industry.
  • pixiv - Online community for artists.
  • My Midjourney AI Art
  • Same Energy - Visual Search Engine
  • SAVEE - Browse and save curated inspiration from designers all around the world.


  • GhostlyStock - Freely-usable images summoned from beyond the aether. Energized by AI.
  • Unsplash - Beautiful Free Images & Pictures.
  • Pexels - Free Stock Photos, Royalty Free Stock Images & Copyright Free Pictures.
  • Pixabay - 2.7 million+ Stunning Free Images to Use Anywhere
  • 500px - Discover and share the world's best photos.
  • - Free text to image generator using Stable Diffusion
  • Lorem Faces - Free UI faces for designers, avatars, dummy faces, AI generated people faces | Lorem Faces
  • - AI-generated photography




  • Bunny Fonts - Explore Faster & GDPR friendly Fonts
  • - The CDN for Open Source Fonts
  • Google Fonts - Making the web more beautiful, fast, and open through great typography





  • awesome-css-frameworks - List of awesome CSS frameworks in 2022
  • Vanilla CSS - A minimal baseline stylesheet for any web project
  • 98.css - A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs
  • Bolt.css - Styles for HTML Elements. Providing a mostly-reasonable set of styles without classes.
  • Tufte CSS - Style your webpage like Edward Tufte’s handouts.
  • missing.css
  • Pure - A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
  • Master CSS - A Virtual CSS language with enhanced syntax.
  • unocss - The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine.
  • Stylify - Write CSS Faster and Efficiently. Write HTML. Get CSS.
  • PSone.css
  • RippleUI - TailwindCSS Components
  • bamboo - A classless CSS library which adds nice default style for all HTML elements. It saves you a lot of time when you need to style HTML for your HTML/React/Vue demo on CodePen/CodeSandbox. It can also be used as a base style for your blog/website.
  • Amigo CSS - A Simple CSS Framework for CSS Lovers
  • Paper Prototype CSS
  • Pico.css - Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML



  • CSS Layout Generator - The Braid Design System believes UI (User Interface) components should not provide surrounding white space. For example, a list item having a margin below it to add a gap between itself & the next item. This margin breaks component encapsulation, making it harder to use. A well-built component should not affect anything outside itself.
  • CSS Grid Generator
  • pppsychedelic - Make High Resolution Psychedelic Backgrounds
  • wwwatercolor - watercolor background & texture maker
  • wwwatercolor - watercolor background & texture maker
  • hhholographic - Holographic & Iridescent Background/Texture Maker
  • aaabstract - abstract wavy background maker
  • Animatize - animations the easy way
  • Glassmorphism CSS Generator - free CSS generator based on the glassmorphism design specifications to quickly design and customize the style properties.
  • Glassmorphism CSS Generator - Marko Denic Web Developer
  • Pixel Art to CSS - Draw and animate Pixel Art, export the results to CSS and download them
  • Smooth Shadow - Make a smooth shadow, friend.
  • Fancy Border Radius Generator
  • Clippy - CSS clip-path maker
  • - Custom and Instagram like photo filters for CSS
  • WAIT! Animate - CSS doesn't provide a property to pause an animation before it loops around again. Yes, there's animation-delay but this simply denotes a delay at the very start of the animation, when the element is first shown. WAIT! Animate calculates updated keyframe percentages given a wait time meaning you can insert a delay between each animation iteration using pure CSS, without JavaScript.
  • Haikei - A web-based design tool to generate unique SVG design assets for websites, social media, blog posts, desktop and mobile wallpapers, posters, and more!
  • Scrollbar




  • Colorful - A curated list of awesome resources to choose your next color scheme



  • Huemint - AI color palette generator




  • Glyphs - Copy & Paste Symbols
  • Symbols to Copy - Easily find HTML symbols, entities, characters and codes with ASCII, HEX, CSS and Unicode values for HTML arrow, ASCII arrow, and more in grid or table format.
  • Glyphy - Copy & paste fancy fonts + cool symbols ☞✺✐™
  • ClockFace - Clock icons for displaying time
  • Heroicons - Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS.
  • iconmonstr - Free simple icons for your next project
  • Icons8 - Icons, illustrations, photos, music, and design tools.
  • SVG Repo - Free SVG Vectors and Icons
  • Feather – Simply beautiful open source icons.
  • Icon Archive - Search 735,802 free icons, desktop icons, download icons, social icons, xp icons, vista icons
  • Glyphter - The SVG Font Machine
  • Iconify - all open source icons in one framework
  • Health Icons - A volunteer effort to create a ‘global good’ for health projects all over the world. These icons are available in the public domain for use in any type of project.
  • Atlas Icons - Open source free icons library, available in variable stroke SVG format, web font, Figma, React, Vue and Flutter ready to use packages.
  • MingCute Icon - Carefully Designed Icon Library
  • Futicons - Icons for the future
  • Slim icons - Free & Open Source Icon Library
  • Iconhunt - Search for open source icons, 150.000+ icons.


  • Hero Patterns - Free repeatable SVG background patterns for your web projects
  • mmmotif - SVG generator for 3D-like isomorphic patterns | fffuel

Pixel Art

  • awesome-pixel-art - Curated list of everything awesome around pixel art.
  • Pixelicious - Convert Your Images into Pixel Art for Game Development with Our Online Image-to-Pixel Art Converter ⚔️
  • PixelMe - Convert your photo into pixelart.



  • Riffusion - Generate images of spectrograms, like this:
  • Gamefresco - The ultimate source for free game assets
  • DOODAD - Tools for making websites fast, expressive, accessible, and green.
  • Spline - Design tool for 3D web browser experiences
  • Vectary - Free online 3D design and Augmented Reality platform
  • uiverse - Open-Source UI elements - made with CSS and HTML
  • Open UI - The missing industry standard definition of UI




  • Hemingway Editor - Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear. The app highlights lengthy, complex sentences and common errors; if you see a yellow sentence, shorten or split it.
  • EasyWrite - Write clearly using only 1,000 commonly used words
  • LanguageTool - Online Grammar, Style & Spell Checker
  • Bike - Innovative Rich Text Editing
  • GitHub1s - One second to read GitHub code with VS Code.
  • NoPaste - A open-source website similar to Pastebin where you can store any piece of code, and generate links for easy sharing
  • Lex - Unlock your best writing




  • tdo - Keyboard driven, hackable TODO list
  • Markwhen - Make a cascading timeline from markdown-like text. Supports simple American/European date styles, ISO8601, images, links, locations, and more.
  • Habitory - Habit tracking made simple
  • The Pomodoro Tracker - A useful tool for time management based on Pomodoro Technique.
  • gokanban - The new generation Kanban Board which is syntax driven and super optimized for fast use cases


  • Snapdrop - Instantly share images, videos, PDFs, and links with people nearby. Peer2Peer and Open Source. No Setup, No Signup.
  • Send - Share files with end-to-end encryption and a link that automatically expires. So you can keep what you share private and make sure your stuff doesn’t stay online forever.
  • Blaze - File sharing web app ⚡


  • Ok! So... - a minimalistic online drawing app to express, grasp, and organize your thoughts and ideas. Draw to explain. Draw to grasp.
  • tldraw - The infinite canvas for developers
  • Excalidraw - Hand-drawn look & feel • Collaborative • Secure


  • knotend - The fastest flowchart editor. Being keyboard-first and optimized for speed, knotend is the best flowchart editor for project management, todo lists, collaboration, and more.
  • JSON Crack - Crack your data into pieces









Data Science


  • Big AI List - Useful collection of most notable AI companies, blogs and links
  • CrowdView - Forum Search Engine
  • Datasette - An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
  • - code search

Prompt Engineering








  • Ask Seneca - Learn about Stoicism from the Most Popular Stoic
  • Presidents dAI
  • Character.AI - Character.AI is bringing to life the science-fiction dream of open-ended conversations and collaborations with computers.

AI Detector


  • DevDocs - Fast, offline, and free documentation browser for developers. Search 100+ docs in one web app: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Go, C, C++…
  • MyNixOS


  • - Cheat Sheets For Every Occasion
  • GRID - A simple visual cheatsheet for CSS Grid Layout
  • FLEX - A simple visual cheatsheet for flexbox
  • QuickRef.ME - Quick Reference Cheat Sheet



  • IEEE Open - Fully Open Access Topical Journals
  • Elsevier Journals - Open Access Journals
  • Elsevier Scopus Blog - Open Access
  • - Browse journals and books
  • Wiley - Open Access
  • Sci-Hub - access to information is a human right
  • Library Genesis
  • Library Genesis
  • - A free distribution service and an open-access archive for 2,209,227 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.

Question Papers









  • webЯcade - Feed-driven Gaming
  • js13kGames - A JavaScript coding competition for HTML5 Game Developers running yearly since 2012.
  • PACKABUNCHAS - You are Spacey, from the PACKABUNCHAS, a group of space rangers specialized in packing and rescuing creatures around the galaxy!
  • awesome-game-remakes - Actively maintained open-source game remakes.
  • WASM-4 Game Jam -
  • The Neatness - Written by Mark Vasilkov for js13kGames in 2022.
  • Soul Jumper - JS13k Game Jame #11
  • Norman the Necromancer - Entry for JS13k 2020 (Death)
  • Dying Dreams - A puzzle game for js13k 2022.
  • Soul Surf - 👻 Resurrect dead heroes and use their various attributes to navigate the levels.
  • DEAD AGAIN - Death was not enough to keep these evil spirits down.
  • The Raising Fighting Spirits - The Raising Fighting Spirits is a simple strategy card game where you fight the Grim Reaper using a horde of spirits!
  • 💀 Enchanted Dungeon
  • Space Huggers | js13kGames
  • Space block invaders - js13kGames
  • Q1K3 - js13kGames
  • The Adventures of Captain Callisto - A short 3D action game for the 2021 js13kGames Competition.
  • Hit the space! - You are on a mission to colonize planets in the nearby system.
  • Black Hole Square - Clean up all the other squares in the universe. Just tap them and see what happens.
  • Tenacity - In the 20th century, man set foot on the moon. In the 21st century, NASA sent the Curiosity and Perseverance rovers to explore Mars. Now we are sending thousands of mini rovers named Tenacity to explore the planets and harvest resources.
  • Space Garden - In this walking-sim-in-space you play the role of planet pollinator, reviving hundreds of dead planets in a galaxy overrun by Evil Red Things(tm). Fly around, collect planet sprites, defeat the Red along the way.
  • Beat Rocks - Asteroids except it's a rhythm game now? Unleash your inner dancer, unlock new instruments of destruction and make sure to play them on the beat.
  • The Maze of Space Goblins - A puzzle game that combines Sokoban-like gameplay mechanics with match-3.
  • Elevator Saga - the elevator programming game
  • DogBunny - Puzzle
  • Citybound - A city building game that uses microscopic models to vividly simulate the organism of a city arising from the interactions of millions of individuals.
  • Chronophoto - Game
  • Poison Ivy Quiz – bird and moon



