A chess variant that might or might not be fun.
To play this online, use the Lichess board editor and share the board URL back and forth with whomever you're playing with. For example, here is the URL after my first move: https://lichess.org/editor/rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/6P1/PPPPPPP1/RNBQKBNR_w_KQkq_-
Otherwise, you can play on tabletopia.
The pawn can move diagonally. It takes forward. On the first move, it can move forward two spaces.
The bishop moves normally. Additionally, it can jump over a piece without taking it. It has to stop on the next square. It can take a piece on that next square if there is one.
The knight can no longer jump over pieces. It moves like a rook then one to the side.
The following move is invalid since it is blocked by the pawn:
The rook moves normally. Additionally, it can jump over a piece without taking it. It has to stop on the next square. It can take a piece on that next square if there is one.
The queen moves normally. The queen also has a 3x3 zone around itself. A jumping piece cannot end up in that zone after a jump.
The king moves normally. The king also has a 3x3 zone around itself. A jumping piece cannot end up in that zone after a jump. Like in normal chess, castling is allowed.
The following is an example attack on the black rook starting from the first move.
Black has four different defenses: