Frozen code base for TASLP 2021 publication
H. Helmholz, D. Lou Alon, S. V. Amengual Garí, and J. Ahrens, “Effects of Additive Noise in Binaural Rendering of Spherical Microphone Array Signals,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Lang. Process., vol. 29, pp. 3642–3653, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2021.3129359.
The code, data structures and included resources are directly based on the continuously developed master branch around the time of this publication.
The procedures utilized to capture rendered ear signals, the resulting raw data, the scripts realizing the Composite Loudness Levels analysis, the intermediate ILD, CLL and CLLgd plots, as well as the scripts to generate the respective result plots are available at: