This is the alpha version of the "Confirm your identity" project. It follows the prototype that was built during discovery/alpha together with the UCD Academy.
The prototype was built using the GOV.UK Prototype Kit and can be found here:
- Start server with
npm run serverstart
- Run Cypress tests in terminal with
npm run cypress:run
- Run Cypress in browser with
npm run cypress:open
The project was generated using the Express application generator, which creates a project skeleton with the following dependencies:
- express: our server
- cookie-parser: Parse cookie header and populate req.cookies
- debug
- http-errors
- morgan: HTTP request logger
- jade: uninstalled (templating engine, not needed in this project)
Note: ^finish exploring what they all do and if they are all needed
The following dependencies were installed as well:
- cypress: our testing library for e2e tests
- nodemon: watches files and restarts the server when it detects changes
- govuk-frontend: the [GOV.UK design system](
- sass: preprocessor for CSS
- nunjucks: allows us to use nunjuck templates from the govuk-frontend
- chokidar
- eslint: code formatter