description |
Welcome to ManagedWeatherMap! |
Welcome to ManagedWeatherMap! It's a OpenWeatherMap API frontend for .NET. It allows you to see the weather conditions in a city with detailed information about the forecast.
To use this library, go to any page in the left side of the screen.
{% hint style="info" %} It currently only supports the free weather and forecast information API. It doesn't support paid features yet. If you can contribute, great! {% endhint %}
This library is very easy to install. It's available at NuGet. Just follow these steps:
- Open your project file (
) - Place the
line on a property group like so:<PackageReference Include="ManagedWeatherMap" Version="x.x.x" />
- ...where
is the current version of the library
- Run a package restore using
dotnet restore
If you follow these steps correctly, you should be able to use the ManagedWeatherMap functions.