This project provides a CLI for ArDoCo. ArDoCo supports recovering trace links and identifying inconsistencies between PCM Models and Textual Software Architecture Documentation. The usage is described below.
ArDoCo is actively developed by researchers of the Modelling for Continuous Software Engineering (MCSE) group of KASTEL - Institute of Information Security and Dependability at the KIT.
usage: java -jar ardoco-cli.jar
-h,--help show this message
-c,--conf <arg> path to the additional config file (overwriting default properties)
-ma,--model-architecture <arg> path to the architecture model
-mt,--archtype <arg> type of the architecture model (PCM or UML)
-n,--name <arg> name of the project/run
-t,--text <arg> path to the input text file of the software architecture documentation
-o,--out <arg> path to the output directory
The models can be provided as PCM (repository) or UML. Additionally, you can provide a (java) code model created using the CodeModelExtractors. Text should be a plain text file.
This work was supported by funding from the topic Engineering Secure Systems of the Helmholtz Association (HGF) and by KASTEL Security Research Labs (46.23.01).