This is for the course of Big Data Management. This project is created to work on Hadoop Framework for vehicles Data-Set collected from this website : It contains 4 different queries:
- Write a MapReduce job to count models of different makes of vehicles. Display the top 5makes.
- For all vehicles, write a MapReduce job to get the average annual petroleum consumption in barrels for fuelType1for each make of vehicle. Your MapReduce jobs should print the make of vehicle make in descending order.
- For electric cars only, write a MapReduce job to display the average city MPG for fuelType1
- Write a MapReduce job to calculate the difference in the average annual petroleum consumption in barrels for fuelType1between electric cars and gasoline cars
ssh bbod ssh hadoop1
compile: javac Habib_Boloorchi_Program_(number).java
create jar : jar cfe Habib_Boloorchi_Program_1.jar Habib_Boloorchi_Program_1 *.class
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=Habib_Boloorchi_Program_(number).jar
run in hadoop: hadoop Habib_Boloorchi_Program_(number) /CS5433/2019/vehicles.csv autohome/username/out
fetch output: hadoop fs -get autohome/hboloor/out/