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Welcome to SpotAPI! This Python library is designed to interact with the private and public Spotify APIs, emulating the requests typically made through a web browser. This wrapper provides a convenient way to access Spotify’s rich set of features programmatically.

Note: This project is intended solely for educational purposes and should be used responsibly. Accessing private endpoints and scraping data without proper authorization may violate Spotify's terms of service.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Docs
  4. Installation
  5. Quick Examples
  6. Import Cookies
  7. Contributing
  8. Roadmap
  9. License


  • No Premium Required: Unlike the Web API which requires Spotify Premium, SpotAPI requires no Spotify Premium at all!
  • Public API Access: Retrieve and manipulate public Spotify data such as playlists, albums, and tracks with ease.
  • Private API Access: Explore private Spotify endpoints to tailor your application to your needs.
  • Ready to Use: SpotAPI is designed for immediate integration, allowing you to accomplish tasks with just a few lines of code.
  • No API Key Required: Seamlessly use SpotAPI without needing a Spotify API key. It’s straightforward and hassle free!
  • Browser-like Requests: Accurately replicate the HTTP requests Spotify makes in the browser, providing a true to web experience while remaining undetected.

Everything you can do with Spotify, SpotAPI can do with just a user’s login credentials.



pip install spotapi

Quick Examples

With User Authentication

from spotapi import (

cfg = Config(
    solver=solver_clients.Capsolver("YOUR_API_KEY", proxy="YOUR_PROXY"), # Proxy is optional
    # You can add a proxy by passing a custom TLSClient

instance = Login(cfg, "YOUR_PASSWORD", email="YOUR_EMAIL")
# Now we have a valid Login instance to pass around

# Do whatever you want now
playlist = PrivatePlaylist(instance)
playlist.create_playlist("SpotAPI Showcase!")

# Save the session

Without User Authentication

"""Here's the example from spotipy"""
from spotapi import Song

song = Song()
gen = song.paginate_songs("weezer")

# Paginates 100 songs at a time till there's no more
for batch in gen:
    for idx, item in enumerate(batch):
        print(idx, item['item']['data']['name'])

# Alternatively, you can query a specfic amount
songs = song.query_songs("weezer", limit=20)
data = songs["data"]["searchV2"]["tracksV2"]["items"]
for idx, item in enumerate(data):
    print(idx, item['item']['data']['name'])


0 Island In The Sun
1 Say It Ain't So
2 Buddy Holly
18 Holiday
19 We Are All On d***s

Import Cookies

If you prefer not to use a third party CAPTCHA solver, you can import cookies to manage your session.

Steps to Import Cookies:

  1. Choose a Session Saver:

    • Select a session saver for storing your session data.
    • For simplicity, you should use JSONSaver, especially if performance or quantity of sessions is not a big concern.
  2. Prepare Session Data:

    • Create an object with the following keys:
      • identifier: This should be your email address or username.
      • cookies: These are the cookies you obtain when logged in. To get these cookies, visit Spotify, log in, and copy the cookies from your browser.
        • It can be a dict[str, str] or a string representation
  3. Load the Session:

    • Use Login.from_saver (or your own implementation) to load the session from cache. This will enable you to use Spotify with a fully functional session without needing additional CAPTCHA solving.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


I'll most likely do these if the project gains some traction

  • No Captcha For Login (100 Stars)
  • In Depth Documentation
  • Websocket Listener
  • Player
  • More wrappers around this project


This project is licensed under the GPL 3.0 License. See LICENSE for details.