A simple router for swift 中文文档
swift3+ and xcode8+
pod "ACRouter"
- CustomViewController inherit ACRouterable, and implement the func of registerAction.
class CustomViewController: UIViewController, ACRouterable {
static func registerAction(info: [String : AnyObject]) -> AnyObject {
let newInstance = LoginViewController()
if let title = info["username"] as? String {
newInstance.title = title
return newInstance
- RegisterRouter for your CustomViewController
ACRouter.addRouter("AA://bb/cc/:p1", classString: "CustomViewController")
- OpenURL in you application
- Quickly add multiple router
let registerDict = ["AA://bb/cc/:p1" : "CustomViewControllerOne", "AA://ee/ff" : "CustomViewControllerTwo"]
- Quickly genarate jump
ACRouter.generate(_ patternString: params: jumpType: )
It will parse patternString and embed the params and the jumpType in it
- Check the request URL
canOpenURL(_ urlString: )
- remove router
removeRouter(_ patternString: )
- AddRouter
ACRouter.addRouter(patternString: priority: handle: )
It will store pattern information, and sort by priority reverse order 2. RequestRouter
ACRouter.requestURL(urlString: userInfo: )
Request the real urlString, and response the pattern information and the queries which contain the userInfo. if exist the same key, it will embed in array.
Add Interceptor for router -
Add Test for router -
failed action - Add
not only support Viewcontroller jumping
ACRouter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.