A simple app for registering and viewing students.
- View students based on their nationality.
- Create a new student.
The app is using MongoDB so make sure you have it installed. To be able to run the app make sure you have all the specified dependencies. To do so navigate first to the /client folder and run:
npm install
Repeat the same command inside /server folder.
Create a collection called students. To populate the database navigate to server/init folder. Run:
npm create_students.js.
In order to get the server running navigate to /server and execute:
nodemon ./bin/www
To start the client navigate to /client folder and run:
npm start
After a few seconds the site should open on your browser. If not visit the url http://localhost:3000/home.
The app offers two screens.
- The first one is available at http://localhost:3000/home and shows all the registered students filtered by their nationality.
- The second one is available at http://localhost:3000/new and provides the user a form to register new students.
You can also navigate inside the app using the navigation bar on top.