deku09: ~/my_readme (main⚡)$ neofetch
Profile ver:本当が残酷な愛人なら、嘘はいい女に違いない(If the truth is a cruel mistress, then a lie must be a nice girl.)
Username: Arihant Pal
WhoamI: Student and Software Engineer. Also Artist (more or less)
OS: Arch linux with Hyprland, Also Windows 11
Shell: zsh
Loves: OSS, Fun DSA problems, Gym
Pronouns: He/Him
Location: India
Languages: C,C++, Python, Javascript, Go, Flutter
Main: Python, Go
Learning: Ocaml, Rust
FavouriteSong: Odoriko by Vaundy
FavouriteEquation: Schrödinger equation
Hobbies: Gaming,watching anime,coding while I am listening music
I have a passion for low-level programming and web development, and I am also learning machine learning and using Jupyter Notebook for data analysis and AI. I have experience in mobile development with Flutter. My programming languages include Go,Typescript, C/C++, Python, Shell Script, and a bit of CSS and JavaScript. English is my primary language, and I am pretty fluent in it. Additionally, I have some knowledge of Japanese (N5 ~ N4) ,Hindi and am currently learning German. I do my best in every specialization area and strive to improve every day. I also love watching anime. Feel free to check my repositories and share your opinion!