The mobile (iOS) application extension of the now deprecated Addressable Web App.
This repository houses Addressable's mobile iOS suite that permits Addressable users to:
- Build, track, edit, and send 'Radius' mailing campaigns
- Recieve push notificaitons related to mailing status (ie. recipient list curation, mailing status)
- Make and recieve related incoming lead calls and messages, along with handling any Twilio smart number telephoney related features
- Tag incoming leads (ie. Spam, Strong or Fair lead)
- Update user preferences (ie. change handwritng styles, top-up token count, invite teammates, edit address)
- Send feedback
See testing script for a breakdown of all application features.
- Xcode 13.0
- min iOS / device version: iOS 13.0 / iPhone 6s
- Install Git LFS
- Install Swift-lint
- Install audience-service for local recipient list curation
- Install illustrator-job-queue for mailing image preview creation
- Install Adobe Illustrator License Required
- Install the Latest version of Addressable API
git clone
- Open Xcode click
- Set Targets to
to BuildCmd-R
to Run- Sign-In to App w/ Addressable Login Credentials
- Install oh-my-zsh to make terminal command line usage quick and easy
- Install Homebrew to make adding dependencies to your Mac easy
- Add the following to your
(Please take note of differing./PATHs
###### Run inside of illustrator_job_queue ######
run_layout_engine() {
python -e dev
###### Run inside of audience-service ######
run_datatree_searches() {
python -e dev_ari
run_audience_service() {
~/addressable/audience_service && source venv/bin/activate
run_illustrator() {
~/addressable/illustrator_job_queue && source venv/bin/activate && cd python
sidekick() {
~/addressable/letters && Bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml
~/addressable/letters && bundle install && bundle exec rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development && bundle exec rails s
run_ngrok() {
addressable/ngrok http -subdomain=addressabledev 3000
open_new_tab() {
osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to activate' \
-e 'tell application "System Events" to tell process "Terminal" to keystroke "t" using command down' \
-e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script "'$1'" in selected tab of the front window'
start_up_addressable() {
open_new_tab run_ngrok && open_new_tab run_addressable_app && sleep 2 && open_new_tab sidekick && sleep 2 && open_new_tab run_illustrator && sleep 2 && open_new_tab run_audience_service && open_new_tab ~/addressable/looking_glass && exit
- Run
in a new Terminal shell to immediately get a working local instance of the Addressable local API running: See Working Demo
As of this writing there is no "renewing" an Apple certificate, you must create a new one to replace the old one.
The steps are the same for renewing all Apple certificates (VOIP, Sandbox, Development, Distribution etc.)
You do * NOT * need to revoke or remove the original / expiring certificates. If you do, only do so after updating all third-party services with the new certificate.
1 - Login to the Apple Development Portal, navigate to the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" page.
2 - Tap on the (+) icon.
3 - Select the Software or Service Certificate you desire to create.
4 - Select the related App ID you wish to associate with the certificate.
5 - Follow the steps to create a new certification request on your Mac.
6 - Upload the .certSigningRequest
file that you just created.
7 - Click the download button to get the .cer
file from Apple.
8 - Double-click the downloaded .cer
file on your Mac to add it to your keychain.
9 - Find the newly added certificate in the Keychain Access Application
window and right-click it to export as .p12
and create a secure password (store in 1password
or some password manager).
10 - Use the newly created .p12
certificate to distribute to all third-party services and servers that'll require it for authorization.
1 - Go to Amazon's AWS SNS page, click on the "Push Notifications" tab to see the list of your Platform Applications
2 - Select the application that needs renewed credentials.
3 - Select the Edit
4 - Select Certificate
under the "Authentication Method" heading.
5 - Choose the .p12
file you created locally and provide the secure password.
6 - Save Changes.
1 - Go to Twilio's Mobile Push Credentials page.
2 - Select the application that needs renewed credentials.
3 - Keep this page open on your browser and open a new Terminal
shell. We need to extract the certificate key and private key from the .p12
4 - Enter the following command into your terminal to create the cert.pem
: openssl pkcs12 -in [PATH_TO_YOUR_.p12] -nokeys -out cert.pem -nodes
5 - Enter the following command into your terminal to create the key.pem
: openssl pkcs12 -in [PATH_TO_YOUR_.p12] -nocerts -out key.pem -nodes
6 - Run the following command into your terminal: openssl rsa -in key.pem -out key.pem
7 - Run the following command into your terminal:
open -a TextEdit [PATH_TO_YOUR_cert.pem]
9 - Copy and paste everything within and including the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
and -----END CERTIFICATE-----
boundaries to Mobile Push Credentials page under Certificate
10 - Run the following command in your terminal:
open -a TextEdit [PATH_TO_YOUR_key.pem]
11 - Copy and paste everything within and including the -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
boundaries to Mobile Push Credentials page under Private Key
12 - Save Changes.
This application is developed using Apple's Swift / Swift UI Framework. The application is broken down into three environments, each connecting to the cooresponding Addressable API environment:
- API:
- API: :: Staging
- API: http://localhost:3000/api/v1 :: http://ngork_tunnel
/api/v1- For local physical device testing, especially when testing telephoney related features like phone calls it helps to use ngork to setup a web tunnel to your local running instance of the API.
The adopted design pattern is Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) using the Combine framework to manage state. The idea being to separate the UI logic from the business logic in order to make apps easier to develop and test.
In short the design pattern helps to guide the relationships between three components: View
, ViewModel
, Model
in the following way:
- The
has a reference to theViewModel
, but not vice-versa. - The
has a reference to theModel
, but not vice-versa. - The
has no reference to theModel
or vice-versa.
General rules to follow when developing a new View
in the application:
- Keep the
lightweight; consisting only of UI / appearance related code (ie. text size, background color, spacing) - Place and name all View files in
- Place and name all ViewModel files in
- Place all Model files in
This application follows the formating set by Swift-lint
To run linter and auto format your files run the following on your command line:
swiftlint autocorrect --format --path [PATH_TO_LOOKING_GLASS]/looking_glass/Addressable
- Name all varibles, classes, and files using
style. - Use common sense with file placement (ie. util classes in
group, service classes inServices
group, core data models inCoreDataModels
group etc.). - Designate files sections using Xcode
// MARK: -
denotation to make it easier for differentiate sections of a file.
The following are some of the TODO's where some code clean up and refactoring is required:
class Application
should be renamed toAppDelegate
waiting on this Swift Lint Issue to get resolved.- Currently using deprecated
to display permissions alert at initial application invocation. Should be removed when mobile app sign up flow is designed and decided on. currentView
application level varibles should be revisited when Sphere and Farming Mailings are added to the app.
ComposeRadiusTopicSelectionView.swift & MessageTemplateSelectionView.swift:
- These files need to be broken down into simple reusable view components for
Multi-Touch Topic Selection
,Message Template Selection
, andMerge Tag Variable
handling. SeeMailingRecipientView
as potential examples to go off of.
- These files need to be broken down into simple reusable view components for
MailingDetialView.swift & ComposeRadiusView.swift: :
- The data flow of these files should probably be revisited.
| |____ConfirmAndSendMailingViewModel.swift
| |____ComposeRadiusViewModel.swift
| |____CallsViewModel.swift
| |____SelectAudienceViewModel.swift
| |____PreviewViewModel.swift
| |____EditReturnAddressViewModel.swift
| |____MailingDetailViewModel.swift
| |____MessageTemplateSelectionViewModel.swift
| |____MessagesViewModel.swift
| |____TagIncomingLeadViewModel.swift
| |____SendFeedbackViewModel.swift
| |____MailingCoverImagePagerViewModel.swift
| |____DashboardViewModel.swift
| |____CampaignsViewModel.swift
| |____MailingCoverImageGalleryViewModel.swift
| |____SignInViewModel.swift
| |____MailingRecipientsListViewModel.swift
| |____ProfileViewModel.swift
| |____Campaigns.xcdatamodel
| | |____contents
| |____AnalyticEvents.xcdatamodel
| | |____contents
| |____Contents.json
| |____AddressableAssests.imageset
| | |____Contents.json
| | |____iu.png
| |____User.xcdatamodel
| |____.DS_Store
| |____BlankCard.imageset
| | |____card.png
| | |____Contents.json
| |____EyeOpen.imageset
| | |____EyeOpen.png
| | |____Contents.json
| |____EyeClose.imageset
| | |____Contents.json
| | |____EyeClose.png
| |____AppIcon.appiconset
| | |____iPhone-20@3x.png
| | |____iPad-29@1x.png
| | |____iPad-20@2x.png
| | |____iPad-83.5@2x.png
| | |____iPhone-20@2x.png
| | |____iPhone-29@1x.png
| | |____iPad-40@1x.png
| | |____iPad-76@1x.png
| | |____iPhone-40@2x.png
| | |____iPhone-40@3x.png
| | |____Contents.json
| | |____iPad-40@2x.png
| | |____iPad-76@2x.png
| | |____iPhone-60@3x.png
| | |____iPhone-29@2x.png
| | |____AppStore-1024@1x.png
| | |____iPad-20@1x.png
| | |____iPad-29@2x.png
| | |____iPhone-29@3x.png
| | |____iPhone-60@2x.png
| |____AccentColor.colorset
| | |____Contents.json
| |____StyleSamples.imageset
| | |____style_samples.png
| | |____Contents.json
| |____AppIcon-Dev.appiconset
| | |____Icon-Addressable-40x40@3x.png
| | |____Icon-Addressable-29x29@2x.png
| | |____Icon-Addressable-60x60@2x.png
| | |____Icon-Addressable-60x60@3x.png
| | |____Icon-Addressable-29x29@3x.png
| | |____Icon-Addressable-40x40@2x.png
| | |____1024x1024.png
| | |____Icon-Addressable-20x20@2x.png
| | |____Icon-Addressable-20x20@3x.png
| | |____Contents.json
| | |____Icon-Addressable-29x29@1x.png
| |____ZippyIcon.imageset
| | |____50ca91aa-7cd6-4df5-8e3b-2ab6486db33f.png
| | |____Contents.json
| |____Contents.json
| |____Analytics.swift
| |____Authorization.swift
| |____MessageTemplate.swift
| |____CallManager.swift
| |____Handwriting.swift
| |____.DS_Store
| |____DataTreeSearch.swift
| |____MailingCoverImage.swift
| |____PersistentContainer.swift
| |____Recipient.swift
| |____Message.swift
| |____IncomingLead.swift
| |____CustomNote.swift
| |____MultiTouchTopic.swift
| |____Mailing.swift
| |____CoreDataModels
| | |____AnalyticEvent+CoreDataProperties.swift
| | |____PersistedCampaign+CoreDataClass.swift
| | |____AnalyticEvent+CoreDataClass.swift
| | |____PersistedCampaign +CoreDataProperties.swift
| |____Account.swift
| |____Feedback.swift
|____Preview Content
| |____Preview Assets.xcassets
| | |____Contents.json
| |____Mailings.xcdatamodel
| |____NumberUtils.swift
| |____EnumUtil.swift
| |____JsonUtil.swift
| |____DateUtil.swift
| |____BordersUtils.swift
| |____KeychainServiceUtil.swift
| |____ColorsUtil.swift
| |____PermissionsUtil.swift
| |____FontUtils.swift
| |____AnalyticsTracker.swift
| |____DictionaryUtil.swift
| |____UIDeviceUtil.swift
| |____SliderUtils.swift
| |____UtilityProvider.swift
| |____ArrayUtil.swift
| |____StringsUtil.swift
| |____DashboardView.swift
| |____ViewsUtilities
| | |____MultilineTextView.swift
| | |____SegmentedControlIconOptionView.swift
| | |____CloneMailingViewModel.swift
| | |____AddMenuItem.swift
| | |____MessageAlert.swift
| | |____PreviewView.swift
| | |____ListSeparatorStyle.swift
| | |____CustomHeader.swift
| | |____DetectScrollView.swift
| | |____AdaptsToKeyboard.swift
| | |____CheckView.swift
| | |____SliderView.swift
| | |____CustomSegmentedPickerView.swift
| | |____TextFieldModifier.swift
| | |____RefreshableScrollView.swift
| | |____Popup.swift
| |____AppView.swift
| |____RadiusMailingViews
| | |____ComposeRadiusSelectLocationView.swift
| | |____TargetCriteriaSliderView.swift
| | |____ComposeRadiusView.swift
| | |____ComposeRadiusTopicSelectionView.swift
| | |____TargetCriteriaMenuView.swift
| | |____ComposeRadiusConfirmSendView.swift
| | |____ComposeRadiusListConfirmationView.swift
| | |____ComposeRadiusCoverImageSelectionView.swift
| | |____GoogleMapsView.swift
| | |____ComposeRadiusAudienceConfirmationView.swift
| |____MailingRecipientsListView.swift
| |____CallViews
| | |____AddressableCallView.swift
| | |____KeyPadView.swift
| | |____CallListView.swift
| | |____TagIncomingLeadView.swift
| | |____CallListSectionHeaderView.swift
| |____ProfileSettingViews
| | |____ProfileView.swift
| | |____ProfileSettingSectionView.swift
| | |____EditUserAddressView.swift
| |____SignInView.swift
| |____DashboardViews
| | |____MailingCardItemView.swift
| | |____DashboardView.swift
| | |____CalendarTileView.swift
| | |____CampaignsFilterBoxesView.swift
| | |____NavigationMenuView.swift
| | |____CampaignSectionHeaderView.swift
| | |____SendFeedbackView.swift
| | |____CampaignsView.swift
| | |____CampaignsListView.swift
| | |____MessageTemplateSelectionView.swift
| |____MailingCoverArtView.swift
| |____MessageViews
| | |____MessageListView.swift
| | |____ContentMessageView.swift
| | |____MessageChatView.swift
| | |____MessageView.swift
| |____MailingDetailViews
| | |____MailingImagePreviewView.swift
| | |____CloneMailingView.swift
| | |____ConfirmAndSendMailingView.swift
| | |____EditReturnAddressView.swift
| | |____SelectAudienceView.swift
| | |____MailingCoverImagePagerView.swift
| | |____MailingDetailView.swift
| | |____MailingCoverImageGalleryView.swift
| |____CallService.swift
| |____ApiService.swift
| |____DependencyProvider.swift
| |____ServiceProvider.swift
- 0.1.5
- Various bug fixes and optimizations
- See commit change
- 0.1.4
- Various bug fixes and optimizations
- See commit change
- 0.1.3
- Various bug fixes and optimizations
- See commit change
- 0.1.2
- Various bug fixes and optimizations
- See commit change
- 0.1.1
- Various bug fixes and optimizations
- See commit change
- 0.0.2
- Various bug fixes and optimizations
- See commit change
- 0.0.1
- Various bug fixes and optimizations
- See commit change
- 0.0.0
- Initial Release