If Phaser is found on the page, you will see Phaser debug is enabled
message in console, at this point
the injection occurs. Then you will get Phaser debug is attached
if Game was successfully started.
Extension button on the right side of the screen which will show a list of available scenes & FPS.
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/phaser-debugger/aigiefhkiaiihlploginlonehdafjljd
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/phaser-debugger/
OS : Linux / Windows Node.js v19.7.0 and newer NPM v9.5.0 and newer
Install the project:
npm install
Choose destination browser:
Chrome: npm run build-chrome
Firefox: npm run build-firefox
- Open Extension tab
- Enable Developer Mode on top right corner
- Press "Load Unpacked Extension"
- Choose
project folder - Refresh game tab
- Left top corner you will see "Debug" button
- Open Debug tab
- Click on "Load Temporary Add-on"
- Choose manifest.json inside
project folder - Refresh game tab
- Left top corner you will see "Debug" button
- Add mesh suppport
- Add tweens support
- Add section to create new game objects
- Add section to create new tweens
- Add time scale into scene
- Dynamic "declare as gameobj" - allow you to assign any name
- Windowed mode - add a button that opens the game object in a separate and customizable window