- 👉 Array polly-fills like map, filter, forEach, reduce and flat
- 👉 Function polly-fills like .bind, .call & .apply
- 👉 Promise polly-fills like Promise.all(), .race(), .allSettled & more
- 👉 Async polly-fills like Async.parallel(executes tasks in parallel), Async series(executes tasks in series) & more
- 👉 Implement currying function with example
- 👉 Implement the compose() function
- 👉 Implement the pipe() function
- 👉 Implement the debounce(Function, delay)
- 👉 Implement the throttle(Function, delay)
- 👉 Write a function that will memoize subsequent calls to a function
- 👉 Write a method that will flatten an object into a single object.
- 👉 Write a method that will flatten an array into a 1D array.
- 👉 Implement cloneDeep() function
- 👉 Implement the publisher-subscriber pattern in javascript
- 👉 Implement Builder pattern with method chaining abilities
- 👉 Implement a class/function/utility which exhibits an event dispatcher mechanism
- 👉 Design patterns like Singleton, factory pattern
- 👉 Attach a listener to an array which gets triggered when an item is pushed into the array
- 👉 Learn about Prototypes and Prototype Interitance
- 👉 Learn about Hoisting
- 👉 Learn about call stack
- 👉 Learn about closures
- 👉 Learn about