Various scripts designed to make life with Piazza a little easier.
Can be installed in Tampermonkey for Chrome ( or Greasemonkey for Firefox (
Hotkeys and links to make catching up on Piazza posts easier.
Shift+left arrow: move earlier in the history.
Shift+right arrow: move later in the history (or jump to first unread follow-up if already at the end).
Shift+up arrow: move later in the post list.
Shift+down arrow: move earlier in the post list.
Shift+meta+U: mark thread as unread.
Shift+meta+X: unarchive thread.
Shift+meta+alt+X: archive thread.
Shift+meta+S: star thread.
Shift+meta+E: start or stop receiving e-mails for the thread.
Shift+meta+X doesn't reflect the fact that you unarchived the thread until you refresh the page.
Allows "skinning" Piazza forums for individual classes. Handy if you're enrolled in multiple Piazzas. Particularly handy if you're a TA who posts announcements in one and a mild-mannered student in others.
To theme your classes:
- Pull open the class forum in your web browser.
- You'll see a url like /class/
- Scroll to the updateTheme method and put in a check like this:
if (window.location.pathname.indexOf('/class/<your-class-id>') > -1) {
addTheme('<some-unique-name-like-your-class-number>', themes.jackets);
} else {
To change the current term (hiding older classes):
- Scroll to the hideOutdated method and change the value of the term variable:
var term = 'Fall 2017';
Note that dark themes look a little wonky at the moment and some are incomplete. Less eye-bleedy themes include: grass, lime, purple, orange, raspberry, grayscale.
Bug reports, feature requests and pull requests are all welcomed! New color schemes for piazza-themes.js are also particularly appreciated.
This repository should accept both bug reports and pull requests. SHOULD.
In the event that I've messed up the Github settings (likely), my GATech e-mail alias is "smiley".