ASE is a programme specially designed with facilities to create animated sprites that can be used in video games built using the Allegro 4 Library
. This programme assists you to create, from static images, to characters with movement, textures, patterns, backgrounds, logos, color palettes, and any other thing that you need for game graphics.
Created By: David Capello Allegro Community Utilities webpage: (outdated)
This version of ASE is for Allegro 4
, anf future builds of it via this fork will continue to be for Allegro 4.xx.
Mr. Capello has gratiously provided AGN with the AG4-compatible source, project files, build tools/chain, and binaries for our use under the GPL,
We plan to build a new utility based on AES
either as a stanndalone tool for ZQuest (, or to integrate the caoabilities of AES for Allegro 4 into the Quest Editor software.
Mr. Capello will not support these outdated versions, nor any spinoff versions of his software that we create based on this code.
Therefore, we kindly ask that you do not contact him for either tecnhical support, or for end-user support for any versions of our AG4 builds of his fantastic software.
Instead, please see his website at for current versions of his software, and condider supportting him through purchasing or building/using that for your (`non-ZC1) game software graphics needs. ( The current version of AES does not use Allegro 4.)