Usermods for Various Armchair Engineers projects.
- / files / mod_for / mod_name / STLs /
- / files / mod_for / mod_name / CAD /
- / files / mod_for / mod_name / Images /
- / files / mod_for / mod_name /
- - Include some help for others that want to use your mod. Pictures/BOM/build notes etc.
- Images - Pictures and videos you embed in your and any other pictures that may be helpful.
- CAD - Help encourage others to build on your creation. Include your CAD files here.
- STLs - Put all the required STLs here. Try to make them ready for printing. Correctly orientated and with no mesh errors etc.
In the /files folder there is another file that has a table/index to list of all the usermods. When you add yours, update that table with information about your mod so that everyone can find your awesome or atrocious work.