Note: This was heavily inspired from Ombrelin's Plex Rich Presence (a colleague in the same school as me 😀) in Java. Since I disliked Java and the idea that I needed to install the right version of something, + because the multi-servers support was somewhat flaky, I decided to create mine in Golang.
- Start on boot
- Transparent auto-updater
- Multilanguages (currently only English and French, feel free to add a new one!)
- SSO integration
- Work for unexposed servers (but they still need to be owned by a Plex account)
- Select which player you want to track (a player is added after the content is played for the first time on it)
- Track new players automatically or not
- Track all the servers that you own/are invited to
Rich Presence:
- Cover art/Thumbnail display
- Different activity type when watching or listening
- Time bar display
- Buttons for music details (not 100% stable, some links are broken)
Everything is available in the releases here:
Download the latest binary here, store it where you want and run it. That's it.
If needed, the config file should be in your user folder, in an Arno & Co
subfolder (AppData/Roaming
in Windows, .config
in Linux, etc...). It only stores Plex auth informations, to allow quickly running the app and get it working out-of-the-box.
Logs are also here, so if you need to open an issue, don't forget to include them! (and erase any potential sensitive informations like your Plex hostnames, etc...)
You can also set some options in the tray icon, available in the notification area in Windows, or the tray area in macOS and various Linux DE.
You'll need GCC (even on Windows, unfortunately)
go build -tags windows -ldflags='-s -w -H=windowsgui'
go build -tags unix -ldflags='-s -w'
go build -tags darwin -ldflags='-s -w'
I use Please follow their instructions to add a language file first.
goi18n extract --format json -outdir i18n/locales
to extract any string you added in the programgoi18n merge --format json -outdir i18n/locales i18n/locales/active.en.json i18n/locales/
to create the delta between english and french- Translate everything in
goi18n merge --format json -outdir i18n/locales i18n/locales/active.en.json i18n/locales/ i18n/locales/
Re-run the command to include the new strings in the active file- Remove the
file is used to embed files in the executable itself, notably locale files. The package will detect the needed files when compiling the executable, so nothing to do here.
rsrc -ico Plex_IDI_ICON1.ico -manifest plex-richpresence.manifest