Official website to play: Advent of Code
Adventure w/ Arnold leaderboard: 1348982-70116b53
Solutions posted here are NOT "version zeros", which were written on the fly, hacky - aiming for speed.
Solutions posted here are trying to be as ___ as possible:
- Readable
- Efficient on complexity and space
- Efficient code (less repetitive code)
- Clear on the algorithm
- Elegant in general
Some problems will also have a generalized solution - applicable to more test cases and even real-world tasks.
keeps all the solutions
keeps all the necessary auxiliary functions or generalized data structures
In each solution, the header will contain my view on difficulty level of the problem: super easy / easy / medium / hard / super hard.
Some may have an extra "hairy" tag, which marks the exceptional effort needed in writing the code, while the actual algorithm may not be too obscure.
Some may have an extra "burning" tag, which marks the exceptional effort needed from Mr.CPU.
More to come: verbose logging for more info
More to come: extra test cases