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Advent Of Code 2021

Welcome to my Advent of Code1 Kotlin project. Here are my solutions for this year's puzzles using Kotlin language.


Day Title Part 1 Part 2
01 Sonar Sweep 🌟 🌟
02 Dive! 🌟 🌟
03 Binary Diagnostic 🌟 🌟
04 Giant Squid 🌟 🌟
05 Hydrothermal Venture 🌟 🌟
06 Lanternfish 🌟 🌟
07 The Treachery of Whales 🌟 🌟
08 Seven Segment Search 🌟 🌟
09 Smoke Basin 🌟 🌟
10 Syntax Scoring 🌟 🌟
11 Dumbo Octopus 🌟 🌟
12 Passage Pathing 🌟 🌟
13 Transparent Origami 🌟 🌟
14 Extended Polymerization 🌟 🌟
15 Chiton 🌟 🌟
16 Packet Decoder 🌟 🌟
17 Trick Shot 🌟 🌟
18 Snailfish 🌟 🌟
19 Beacon Scanner 🌟 🌟
20 Trench Map 🌟 🌟
21 Dirac Dice 🌟 🌟
22 Reactor Reboot 🌟 🌟
23 Amphipod 🌟 🌟
24 Arithmetic Logic Unit 🌟 🌟
25 Sea Cucumber 🌟 🌟
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  1. Advent of Code – An annual event of Christmas-oriented programming challenges started December 2015. Every year since then, beginning on the first day of December, a programming puzzle is published every day for twenty-four days. You can solve the puzzle and provide an answer using the language of your choice. ↩