This package adds possibility to convert existing html content to amp-html. The package uses AMP Plugin for WordPress for content sanitizing and some helper functions from Wordpress for amp-wp plugin.
AMP is a fast-growing framework, but unfortunately, currently, there are no (or at least I can't find it) any working solutions, which can help to provide a valid html to amp-html code converter. According to ampproject/amp-wp#2315, @amproject is preparing to release a PHP-library independent from any CMS, but until that time using amp-wp plugin as a content sanitizer is an easiest solution, even if it has many Wordpress-related code. If you have any issue with package sanitizer, you can easily swap it with your own, just making changes in provided config.
- PHP >= 7.3
- Laravel >= 6.x
You need to change repository url in your composer.json from
, this is a hard-forked version 1.4.4 of the ampproject/amp-wp
package with updated dependencies.
Add to your composer.json
repositories section link to amp-wp plugin:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
when require package as usual:
composer require arrowsgm/amped-laravel
You can publish configuration with artisan command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=amped-config
or just create amped.php
file in the config
directory and change required params only.
To convert existing content use provided Amped
use Arrowsgm\Amped\Facades\Amped;
class PostController extends Controller
public function show(Post $post)
$amp_content = Amped::convert($post->content);
You can use Amped
facade in the blade templates, alias already provided:
<div class="amp-content">{{ Amped::convert($post->content) }}</div>
class also have inlineCss
method to adding custom styles from css file:
{!! Amped::inlineCss('amp.css') !!}
and you can set base amp styles directory with amp_custom_css_path
config param.
method is useful for amp link building. It returns #development=1
string if laravel application debugging is on:
href="{{ route('', $prev_post->slug) }}/amp{!! Amped::isDevParam() !!}"
class="links links-prev">{{ $prev_post->name }}</a>
and you can easily navigate through the existing posts with in-browser AMP validation enabled.