Select one or more items from the list, then perform an action. Implemented commands:
- Delete
- Change state attributes: published, featured, protected
- ACL rights are maintained.
- It is not possible to delete a page that is protected.
Zotonic >= 0.10
zotonic modules install mod_bulk_commands
Zotonic >= 0.7
zotonic installmodule mod_bulk_commands
Zotonic <= 0.6
git clone mod_bulk_commands
Activate the module in Admin > System > Modules.
At activation, 2 config values are set:
contains a comma-separated list of page names where the module should appear; default value:admin_overview_rsc,admin_media
contains a comma-separated list of command names to appear in the interface; default value:delete,published,featured,protected
Change the config values to your requirements.
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