This will be the collaberative github for all the projects we will do during the 2021-22 year. Currently permissions are all admin but you are not allowed to commit to main, please create your own branch and create a pull request.
This is the layed out process that we will go through in order to handle all the github branches and its needed requirments.
- Send a request to #leadership in order to create your branch with the following
- Explain general idea of project
- Name for branch
- Who do you plan on working on it (more people are welcome to add just the prelimeray ideas)
- Once the branch is approved, clone the respository using the following steps
- Download Gitbash
- In terminal use
to move to the location you want to clone the respitory to. - Run the following command.
git clone
- Run
cd ai-21
in order to go into the directory just created - Run
and the response should beMeeting-Recap/ PROJECTS/ meetingPracticeCodes/ readMeInfo/
- Run
git branch -a
and response should include your added branch name - Run
git checkout -b *name-of-branch*
and the blue main should become your branch name - Run
git pull origin *name-of-branch*
Here you will open the code in your own IDE and make new files, change files and do everything you want to write
- Run
git add .
see all the changes detected - Run
git commit -m "*message-describing-change-you made(quick)*"
- Run
git push -u origin *name-of-branch*
Ask Kunal Demo
(more explain during meeting)
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin <project url>
git push -f origin master
Video | Logo |
We meet every monday after school from 3:30
- 4:30
in the Libary.
- Flying assisetent
- Class Recorder
- Feel free to add more
Create a drone that flys around completing different task based on what you say.
Q: Who has entered my house
R: Flyes around scanning for people and then their faces and returns with a name
- Object Detection
- Natural Language Processing
- Text-to-speech
- Facial Recognition
Record the entire class duration (lecture) and converts it to a text. By indexing who is speaking what (if teacher is speaking or student) create a quick summary of the class
- Summarization
- Natural Language Processing
Generate an emoji based on what face emotion your making. Read previous messages and predict the type of emoji needed.
Be able to detect/recreate signatures based on many previous signatures.
Sorts through all documents on local harddrive and determines which class each document goes to
In this AI project, you may try to forecast 6-month price fluctuations of a stock using data from the organization's given reports.
Building a handwritten digits recognition system that can recognise the numbers drawn by people to recognise handwritten mathematical symbols
Tracks where you are in the room and goes up to you to give you a hug
In the meetingPracticeCodes
Track where a person is and its path that person will take in order to get from class A to class B
Anaylize sports in different ways (Swimming, Football, Soccer*, etc.)
- Click download
- Go through process, shouldn't take too long
- Most of you have 64 bit computers, if you don't know then either ask on group chat or check this
- Click next slowly don't rush through it
- Click finish
(Check discord for images)