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Java network leaks detection utility with easy configurable algorithms

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This is a tool which helps you to detect net leaks from local computer to foreign networks (like Internet and etc.). Tool can work in 2 modes: CLI ang GUI. You can run it in CLI mode to be able watch leaks right in your terminal, or you can use GUI for your platform to watch leaks interactivelly.


  • Leaks patterns description engine, which helps you to describe all known threats in JSON format and read them in logs further.(More below)

  • Socket interaction interface. You can write your own app which will bind to socket and get leaks messages from it.

Detection Algorithms

Firstly, I have to introduce the term "traffic": traffic in context of this tool - is bounded traffic flow to one or more of next entities: 1) process id, 2) source port, 3) destination IP

  • Passive Leak Detection
    If some traffic was leaking during 60 seconds AND it was greater than --min-leak-size(see "Startup arguments") AND traffic leakage did not subside more than 15 seconds AND it was targeted(destination IP, source port, process) AND it`s some unusual application than DETECT.

  • Sudden Leak Detection
    If during last 10 seconds were leaked more than --max-traffic-during-10-sec (see "Startup arguments") AND it was targeted than DETECT.

  • Active Leak Detection
    If some traffic was leaking during 8 seconds AND it was greater than --min-leak-size(see "Startup arguments") AND traffic leakage did not subside more than 2 seconds than DETECT

  • TODO: Connections rate per session

    Not implemented yet

If you interested to learn more about algorithms, you are welcome to see implementation code - /detector/Analyzer/Algorithms/*

File hierarchy

  • daemon/ contains the sources of daemon detector
  • gui/ contains the platform-dependent GUI`s implementation
  • launcher/ contains the example script of launching the daemon

How do I get set up?

  • Use pom.xml to build daemon.jar with Maven
  • Use libs/ as a local Maven repository

Which libraries does it uses?

  1. It uses libs from Maven repo:

    • org.json
    • com.fasterxml.jackson
    • commons-cli
  2. LibPcaP implementation for Java(located in local maven-repository - see pom.xml)

Startup arguments

  1. For JRE:

    • java.library.path(optional) in case if you have placed Pcap library in non-standard place
    • file.encoding=UTF-8 - standard encoding
  2. For tool:

    • --mode=(paranoid|adequate|chill)
      detection verbosity mode(adequate by default)
    • --gui="path-to-gui-handler"
      path to GUI handler; daemon will run GUI each time it detects something
    • --locale=(RU|EN)
      language for generation alert messages(EN by default)
    • --max-traffic-during-10-sec=N max allowed traffic per 10 seconds in bytes(100000 bytes by default)
    • --min-leak-size=N
      minimal traffic size in bytes which would mean the leakage(32000 by default)

Threat patterns description

This tool uses own threat description config in JSON format.
Take a look on some examples first:

  "name": "Pattern.Undefined",
  "comment": "This is default pattern. Using in Normally, this situation is impossible.",
  "priority": 0

  "name": "Pattern.Port",
  "pattern": {
    "srcport": "^[0-9]{1,5}$",
  "priority": 10

  "name": "Pattern.StdApp.Browser.Metrica.Mailru",
  "pattern": {
    "hostname": ".*((smailru\\.net)|(mail\\.ru))$",
    "orgname": ".*Mail\\.Ru.*"
  "related-patterns": "Pattern\\.StdApp\\.(Browser)",
  "relation-mode": "all",
  "priority": 70


As you can see, all potential threats can be described independently as detailed as you want to via regular expressions in any fields

The config you seen above is part of patterns.json file which contains default leak patterns.

Common pattern format:

  "name": STRING,
  "pattern": {
    "pid": REGEXP,
    "dstip": REGEXP,
    "srcport": REGEXP,
    "processname": REGEXP,
    "orgname": REGEXP,
    "hostname": REGEXP,
    "differby": "field1,field2,field3, ..."
  "msg": STRING,
  "msg_exciter": STRING,
  "related-patterns": REGEXP,
  "relation-mode": ("all"|"any"),
  "priority": INTEGER

Fields meanings:

  • name - pattern`s name
  • pid - id of a process which caused leak
  • dstip - destination ip traffic was leaking to
  • srcport - source port from which traffic was leaking
  • processname - name of a program which caused the leak
  • orgname - organization which owns the ip traffic was leaking to
  • hostname - DNS resolution of destination ip
  • differby - set of fields which will differentiate the threats matching to the same pattern
  • msg - message which will be displayed when some leak will match this pattern; inside message string you can use field vars like {name} or {dstip} or anything else to add dynamic information
  • msg_exciter - short message about exciter of a leakage; this message will be displayed in notification, so it should be short; you also can use field vars in here
  • related-patterns - patterns which also SHOULD match to the leakage
  • relation-mode - all pattern(all) OR at least one pattern(any) should match
  • priority - priority of concrete pattern amongst all patterns

Filters (Harmless patterns) description

This tool also supports the filters also known as harmless patterns to filter threats.

By default there is 3 types of filtering:

  • paranoid - you will be notified about all the leaks, even harmless such as Google analytics, Amazon AWS and even uploading files through browser.
  • adequate - browsers activity will be ignored and standard apps(like Skype, Torrent), too
  • chill - all known patterns will be ignored, you will get notifications about totally undefined leak vectors.

Filter patterns have the same fields as threat patterns except:

  • msg
  • msg_exciter
  • priority

Socket interface(for GUI)

Daemon provides the socket interface for another applications for communication with him. By default this interface is used by GUI - it gets alerts from daemon and displays them to user.

You can write your own GUI for daemon, which would handle messages from daemon in specific way.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: If you specify --gui parameter on startup, then daemon will run specified GUI each time it detects a leak.

Socket interface works next way:

  • Daemon opens a port from interval 5000-5010
  • When someone connects to daemon, daemon sends initial string - ":::daemon_protocol_start:::"
  • After this daemon ready to accept commands from client:
    • quit - daemon terminates connection and writes to socket ":::daemon_protocol_finish:::"
    • get_info - returns an info about current build
    • ping - when daemon got successfully pinged it writes to socket ":::daemon_protocol_pinged:::"
    • get_alert - daemon writes to socket first alert message from alert queue or ":::daemon_protocol_no_msg:::" if queue is empty
    • ignore_tmp - accepts a threat from client and adds it to temporary ignore-list
    • ignore_permanent - accepts a threat from client and adds it to permanent ignore-list; list stores in a file by path, specified by "user.dir" java`s property, name of a file - ignores.user.json
    • grab_all_user_ignores - not implemented yet
    • delete_user_ignore - not implemented yet

If daemons accepts the unknown command, it writes to socket ":::daemon_protocol_unknown_command:::"


  • Create more smart mechanism of retrieving the process information. For now, it is implemented as frequent call of Netstat(standard system util), but it would be much better if it will be an OS-dependent driver.
  • This point depends on previous.
    Add check: upload suspicious process`s file to and determine whether it is malware on not.


You can get a feedback via couple variants:


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