A website for Leamington Spa Improvised Comedy - Built with Hugo
Leamprov runs improvised comedy workshops and shows in Leamington Spa - for more information see www.leamprov.com or see our events on Meetup.
Notes for editors:
Pages are stored in the folder "content" - editing this folder will automatically edit the site (it takes about 2 minutes to sync).
Writing is done in markdown, but you can also mix in HTML - find a cheat sheet here: https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/
If you want to upload images, place them in the "public/uploads" folder. After upload, they will be available at http://www.leamprov.com/uploads/. Images can be added either with markdown or with html - the HTML code would be
<img src="PUT IMAGE URL HERE" width=400, height=500>