This is a simple decentralized application (DApp) for minting, buying and selling non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Polygon Mumbai blockchain. Users can list their NFTs for sale, browse available NFTs, and purchase them using Matic (test-matic).
Mint NFTs: Users can Mint their NFTs by providing a name, image, and decription.
List NFTs: Users can list their NFTs for sale by specifying a name, image, and price in Ether (ETH).
Purchase NFTs: Users can purchase NFTs listed by other users by clicking the "Buy" button and confirming the transaction in their Ethereum wallet.
View List of NFTs Available In Their Account: Users can view their NFTs in differnt sections of MyNFTs Tab.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
cd nft-marketplace npm install
Run the DApp locally:
npm run dev
This will start a development server, and you can access the DApp in your web browser at
. -
Connect Your Ethereum Wallet:
- Install and set up a MetaMask wallet extension in your browser.
- Connect your wallet to the DApp by clicking the "Connect Wallet" button.
Use the DApp:
- Mint your own NFT.
- List your NFTs for sale.
- Purchase NFTs from other users.
Next.js: The front-end is built using Next.js, a popular React framework for building web applications.
ethers.js: ethers.js is used for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain, including sending transactions and fetching NFT data.
MetaMask: MetaMask is a popular Ethereum wallet extension that allows users to connect to the DApp and sign transactions.
To deploy this DApp to a production environment, follow these steps:
Configure the Ethereum network and contract addresses in your code.
Build the production-ready version of your DApp:
npm run build
Deploy the built files to a web hosting service of your choice (e.g., GitHub Pages, Netlify, Vercel).
Update the DApp's URL in the MetaMask settings to allow users to connect to the production version.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This DApp was created as a simple example of an NFT marketplace. Feel free to modify and enhance it to suit your needs.
Special thanks to the Ethereum and blockchain developer community for providing valuable resources and documentation.
Contributions and feedback are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or create a pull request.
Happy coding! 🚀