This contains various configuration files (dotfiles) for setting up a new Linux machine. It largely assume an Arch Linux based system.
These dotfiles are managed / installed with GNU Stow.
Running stow ${PKGNAME}
will symlink everything from ./$PKGNAME
to where it belongs.
I use submodules to include dependencies. The best way to get the source is the following
git clone --recursive
These are largely notes for me to document things I might use and why.
What | Why |
kitty |
terminal emulator. |
alacritty |
terminal emulator. |
picom |
Composite manager. Needed for terminal opacity. |
betterlockscreen |
Nice, light lock screen. For powermenu. |
trizen |
AUR helper. |
yay |
AUR helper. |
nitrogen |
lightweight GUI for setting desktop background. |
dunst |
Notification daemon. |
rofi |
lightweight launcher app. |
pulseaudio-ctl |
for controlling audio. |
blueman |
bluetooth controller. |
spotifyd |
lightweight Spotify daemon. |
spotify-tui |
CLI for Spotify. |
gtk |
GUI support. |
i3-gaps |
My window manager of choice at the moment. |
neofetch |
Script that displays info about the system. |
nvim |
NeoVim. Fork of Vim. Best text editor (?). |
polybar |
Status bar. |
xrdp |
Used for settings in polybar. |
ranger |
Lightweight terminal-based file manager. |
ranger icons |
icons for ranger |
zathura |
PDF, EPUB and CBR viewer. Lovely. |
zsh |
Zsh shell. |
powerlevel10k |
responsive zsh theme. |
delta |
git syntax highlighter |
slides |
terminal slideshow |
tidy |
html formatter |
ruff |
python linter/formatter from Astral-sh |
uv |
Rust based pip alternative from Astral-sh |
jabref |
bibtex gui, tooling, reference manager |
feh |
image viewer |
bibtex-tidy |
bibtex formatter |