A python script for exporting gemini compliant metadata from a csv file to individual xml files.
This branch is compliant with Gemini 2.3 and Python 3.
- Create a python 3 virtual environment in the root directory
python3 -m venv .
- Activate the virtual environment
source bin/activate
- Install dependencies by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
- See the sample csv file for the correct layout- alternatively change the column mappings in
to match your layout - Place your csv file in the input folder and rename it
- Change to the python directory
- Run
python metadata_import.py
- The script can take the following command-line arguments:
-n [number]
or--numrows [number]
- the[number]
will dictate how many of the rows in themetadata.csv
to be parsed and exported-a
- to parse and export all the rows inmetadata.csv
- will display instructions on how to run the script
- If no command-line arguments are passed when the script is ran, a user prompt will request the number of rows to be parsed and exported, the accepted values are either a number or
- The script can take the following command-line arguments:
- Your xml files will miraculously appear in the output folder
- Check error.log in the python folder for details of any records that failed- these will be listed by title with the details of the error
- Encoding errors in the source CSV may currently cause the script to fail. The offending bytecode will be shown in the error message so you can replace it in the source data with the correct symbol
- When importing the records into Geonetwork, use the _to_gemini xsl
- Creation Date and Revision Date can be of the form YYYY-MM-DD or DD/MM/YYYY
- Descriptive Keywords can be a comma-separated list
- Topic Category must be one of the following (case-sensitive), but can be a comma-separated list:
- farming
- biota
- boundaries
- climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
- economy
- elevation
- environment
- geoscientificInformation
- health
- imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
- intelligenceMilitary
- inlandWaters
- location
- oceans
- planningCadastre
- society
- structure
- transportation
- utilitiesCommunication
- West, East, North, South bounding coordinates must be in WGS84 format (lat/lon)
- Temporal Extent can be a comma-separated list (begin date, end date) but dates must be in form YYYY-MM-DD or DD/MM/YYYY
- Data Format and Version can be comma-separated lists but must come from provided lists of formats and versions, see iso19139.gemini23/loc/eng/labels.xml
- Data Quality Info must be one of dataset or nonGeographicDataset (case-sensitive)
- Inspire theme (case-sensitive) must come from the INSPIRE Themes Thesaurus (can be a comma-separtated list)
- Update Frequency is case-sensitive, choose one of the following codes:
- continual
- daily
- weekly
- fortnightly
- monthly
- quarterly
- biannually
- annually
- asNeeded
- irregular
- notPlanned
- The copyright statement should not include the copyright symbol, a correctly encoded version of this will be included automatically
- jocook@astuntechnology.com
- Other Astun personnel
- Based on code originally written by Brian O'Hare