# xcode setting
xcode-select --install
# Login 1password web
# Do setup script
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Asuforce/dotfiles/master/setup.sh)"
# Chnage shell
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
# Install node
anyenv init
anyenv install nodenv
- .ssh
- .zsh_history
- .gitconfig-work
- General
- Use dark menu bar and Dock
- Keyboard
- Shortcuts
- Spotlight: all check out
- Continuous input
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
- Shortcuts
- Trackpad
- Tap to click
- Tacking speed: Fast
- Click: Light
- Accessbility
- Mouse & Trackpad
- Trackpad Options
- Enable dragging: three finger drag
- Trackpad Options
- Mouse & Trackpad
- Dock
- Delete all default icon
- Size: Small
- Position on screen: Left
- Minimize windows using: Scale effect
- Automatically hide and show the Dock
- Battery
- Show Percentage
- Karabiner
- Simple Modifications
- capslock <-> left control
- Complex Modifications
- Change right command + hjkl to arrow keys
- Left command English
- Right command Japanese
- Simple Modifications
- Alfread
- Preferancies -> Advanced -> syncing
- 1Password
- Security
- Allow Touch ID to unlock 1Password
- Security
- iTerm2
- General
- Zoom maxizes vartically only
- Native full screen windows
- Profiles
- Window
- Transparency: Opaque
- Space: All Spaces
- Window
- Keys
- Hotkey:
opt + Space
- Hotkey:
- General
- VSCode
- Install settingssync
- Hammerspoon
- Install Shiftit spoon