This Julia package wraps some data types in Eigen
, a C++ template library for linear algebra such as MatrixXd
, VectorXd
The design is strongly inspired by the work of @barche
JuliaCon 2020 workshop on CxxWrap.jl.
using EasyEigenInterface
x = Float64[1 2 3; 4 5 6]
@assert MatrixXd(MatrixXd(x)) == MatrixXd(x) == x
m = MatrixXd(x)
@assert rows(m) == 2
@assert cols(m) == 3
jlm = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 2, 3)
jlm .= m
@assert jlm == m
resize!(m, 3, 2)
@assert rows(m) == 3
@assert cols(m) == 2
I believe this may be helpful for those interested in using C++ libraries from Julia.