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pagojo edited this page Jun 26, 2012 · 3 revisions


Friday 22 June 2012
19:00 - 21:00


"What happened at Railsberry and EuRuKo 2012" Railsberry 2012 presentation and EuRuKo 2012 presentation

A debrief of the recent events, how the Thessaloniki and Athens teams got the Athens nomination for EuRuKo 2013 and other crazy stories about some of the most important European developers' events.

19:00 - 19:30

by Giorgos Tsiftsis , Nikos Dimitrakopoulos and Theodoros Orfanidis

"EuRuKo is coming to Athens in 2013 !!!"

We will discuss how to make EuRuKo 2013 the best european Ruby conference ever ;-)

19:30 - 21:00

a discussion coordinated by Vassilis Vatikiotis and John Pagonis

"Alcoholic beverages session" *21:00 - late


coLab Workspace

28 Petraki Str,

10563 Athens - Greece

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