With this library, you can design particle animations with snowstorm and draw them in a Minecraft world.
Currently only Minestom is supported.
A full, runnable example server can be found in here
Particle examples can be found here
Add the following to your build.gradle.kts
repositories {
Add the library as a dependency
dependencies {
The lastest version number can be found here
To execute the code you must add the java VM flag --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED
ParticleEmitter supports the following features
- Emitter lifetime expression, loop and once
- Emitter rate instant and steady
- Emitter shape box, disc, point and sphere
- Particle tinting (colour)
Minecraft Query Language (MQL) does not fully support Molang
- Variables do not work
- Functions do not work
Particle Restrictions
- Velocity only works on certain particles and acceleration don't work on any particles
- Custom particle textures don't work
- Curves have not been implemented
- Particle lifetimes have not been implemented
You may notice in practice that only one particle gets spawned per emitter.tick()
In some cases, this may be a problem as you may want to have more control over the amount of particles spawned for the same animation as demonstrated in the following video where the same animation is being played in 4 different positions with differing particle amounts:
This can be achieved by using a for loop around the emitter.tick()
like so:
Collection<ParticlePacket> packets = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
if (emitter.status() != EmitterLifetime.LifetimeState.DEAD) {
packets.forEach(packet -> {
instance.getPlayers().forEach(p -> p.sendPackets(packet));
However, this method will require each emitter to have a different updatesPerSecond
parameter equal to x*amount
for the animations to be synchronised and play at the same time with differing particle counts, otherwise the animation may speed up or slow down.
List<ParticleEmitter> emitters = new ArrayList<>();
var emitter = ParticleParser.parse(Particle.DUST_COLOR_TRANSITION, 1000*amount, map);
Sample code for how this can be done in practice can be found in the src/test/java/ParticleManagerDemo.java
file, where the video demonstration above was created with these calls:
ParticleManager.playParticle("rect.particle.json", new Vec(0, 45, 0), 1, instanceContainer, false);
ParticleManager.playParticle("rect.particle.json", new Vec(3, 45, 0), 2, instanceContainer, false);
ParticleManager.playParticle("rect.particle.json", new Vec(6, 45, 0), 3, instanceContainer, false);
ParticleManager.playParticle("rect.particle.json", new Vec(9, 45, 0), 4, instanceContainer, false);
If you want to have an animation play just once over its lifetime, you will need to use a Timer that gets cancelled once the emitter state is "DEAD" (meaning the animation completed successfully). Here is how that would be done in practice:
new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
try {
for (var emitter : emitters) {
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
Collection<ParticlePacket> packets = emitter.tick();
if (emitter.status() != EmitterLifetime.LifetimeState.DEAD) {
packets.forEach(packet -> {
instance.getPlayers().forEach(p -> p.sendPackets(packet));
} else {
// Cancel the timer so it doesn't keep looping
} catch (InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | InstantiationException |
IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
}, 1, 1);