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vjrj edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the biocache-service wiki!

1 Developer Local DEV Setup

1.1 Installation

Java JDK (and JRE)

Java 1.8 is required, it can be downloaded from

Tomcat 8.5 or 9

Tomcat 8.5 or 9 is required, Tomcat 8 download site is

Source code from Git repository

Clone biocache-service from GitHub to your local project folder.

IntelliJ project

  • Create an IntelliJ project from existing source (File → New → Project from existing sources), select biocache-service sub folder from your project directory,
    • Select "Import project from external Maven model"

1.2 Run applications

Run biocache-service in IntelliJ

  1. Create a new Run/Debug configuration, refer the following screens shots for settings:


  • VM values -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_BACKSLASH=true -Xmx3G
  • You may need to build "biocache-service.war exploded" artifact before selecting it
  1. Make sure you have a copy of the config file in the /data/biocache/config directory on your computer
  1. Tunnel to access remote test Cassandra and Solr before starting the local instance of Tomcat. For example, Atlas of Living Australia internal test servers:
  • ssh nci3-cassandra-1.ala -L 9042:localhost:9042
  • ssh nci3-solr-3.ala -L 8983:localhost:8983
  • change local ports if needed

More info about tunnelling here.

Clone this wiki locally